What should a level 1 retard know about this game before playing

what should a level 1 retard know about this game before playing

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when did this come out on game pass
i need people to play with

The art style is shit.
The gameplay is repetitive and badly designed.
You should look out for how long you played so you can refund it in time.

Have fun gimping your experience by only being able to play with other gamepass people.

>Have fun gimping your experience by only being able to play with other gamepass people.

Couldnt the same argument be made for steam. game pass has crossplay with xbox though

>t. soulsbaby

Have fun, and the community is pretty decent to play with even without mics because of how well designed the game is. Don't be afraid to do some PUG co-op if none of your friends have it.

press V to boost the morale of everyone

if you play scout, your most important tool is the flaregun. it's not the grappling hook, it's the flaregun.

There are only three things you need to know
1) If you hear "rock and stone", say "rock and stone" back
2) If you don't hear "rock and stone", say "rock and stone" yourself
3) Use your laser pointer on mushrooms and compressed gold repeatedly. Do so until all dwarfs follow your example.