what should a level 1 retard know about this game before playing
What should a level 1 retard know about this game before playing
when did this come out on game pass
i need people to play with
The art style is shit.
The gameplay is repetitive and badly designed.
You should look out for how long you played so you can refund it in time.
Have fun gimping your experience by only being able to play with other gamepass people.
>Have fun gimping your experience by only being able to play with other gamepass people.
Couldnt the same argument be made for steam. game pass has crossplay with xbox though
>t. soulsbaby
Have fun, and the community is pretty decent to play with even without mics because of how well designed the game is. Don't be afraid to do some PUG co-op if none of your friends have it.
press V to boost the morale of everyone
if you play scout, your most important tool is the flaregun. it's not the grappling hook, it's the flaregun.
There are only three things you need to know
1) If you hear "rock and stone", say "rock and stone" back
2) If you don't hear "rock and stone", say "rock and stone" yourself
3) Use your laser pointer on mushrooms and compressed gold repeatedly. Do so until all dwarfs follow your example.
Wrong place for that question mate, Zig Forums doesn't play vidya anymore. Nonetheless, I played it on Game Pass with some friends last night and we had a blast. The less you know the better, just go in blind with some friends.
Nobody without Game Pass gives a shit about this game, also
>Not being able to pay 10 bucks a month for one of the best deals for PC gamers
>Not even able to pay a single dollar for the trial month, 30 days in which you could beat DRG like 7 times without any effort
Wear headphones, use your ears, helps to avoid getting sidelined by non-swarm bugs. Try not to dilly dally. Scan rooms with your eyeballs and your CTRL scanner pointer briskly enough to avoid running in circles for that last tiny scrap wedged into a weird rock formation, but not so briskly that you look over valuable resources. Try to actively work with your team, even if they're randoms, stick together and work on your mental muscle memory of each mission type as you get into the swing of it.
Classes have jobs. Act outside them, you'll be suboptimal. Gunner guns obsessively to turn anything into paste and take the load off the rest of the team as far as shooting, driller clears chaff and keeps the mining & moving between chambers quick, scout ranges a little bit but not too far ahead and gets stuff people can't physically or efficiently reach with a side order of killing select targets (his ammo pool does not let him control hordes directly through bullets, don't magdump chaff, set them up for your team with grenades and grappling over and away to bait them,) engi manipulates terrain a bit with platforms, especially to enable scouts, and all-rounds with weapons & tools that are control heavy but much punchier than you'd expect after you build and use them right.
Play Hazard 3
>Nobody without Game Pass gives a shit about this game
The game is super popular on steam, players of all ranks everywhere, tons of lobbies for every single mission and difficulty, even more so with the sales right now
Play your role. The beginning assignment is the lamest part and after that it opens up. Egg hunt and Elimination are the worst mission types
Its literally super popular on steam
Windows / xbx version used to be dead as fuck in comparison. Idk now that it's on gamepass
meant for of course
Wrong, it's really good and simple as to be able to tell what is going on at any moment
Wrong, gameplay loop is great and every mission will feel different because the procedural generation is god tier
> Focus on one class since unlocking stuff costs a lot of minerals
> Glowing walls usually contain some kind of minerals. Dig up the source of light.
> Learn your class. Everyone is amazing in his own way.
> Scout is probably the hardest class as you need to contain ADHD and not get constantly killed while zooming through the map alone and then blame your team for being slow.
> Use equipment and grenades to utilize your ammo efficiently. Also use it to save lives. Gunner's shield generator is great for that for example.
> When you play with randoms just remember to spam indicators on anything you see.
Also short classes guide.
> Driller has cool flamethrower and pistol. He can also dig. Digging requires practice and upgrades to utilize it as something more than just faster traversal through soft terrain. Experience and experimenting makes you understand how to terraform the battlefield to your needs by removing obstacles and set up nice killrooms or bunkers. Or connect rooms for easier escape. C4 is amazing for quick digs and killing your team like a retard.
> Engie has very versatile shotgun and grenade launcher. He makes platforms which makes him a very versatile traversal class on par with driller. His turrets are cool but they have quirks. I'd say he's an easy to pick up and strong class.
> Gunner has amazing minigun & revolver but his best skill is shield generator that makes him godsend at times. If you pick him, master the shield to win more heated firefights. His ziplines are fine I guess.
> Scout is the solo class. He can traverse well but only on his own. But his flare gun is great in large halls + his weapons are very efficient. His zipgun is both a bless and curse as people get easily killed using it. Good scout is amazing, bad scout dies 100m away from the team and rages on chat. Don't be a bad scout.
this game is godlike
Remember to use guns besides your primary. Resupply pods recover 50% of your ammo for all of your weapons, which would be wasted unless you're using them equally. Dump some ammo before you resupply if you have to.
HOLD TAB TO BRING UP YOUR MAP. I don't remember if the game makes this clear or not, but I've had some buddies getting lost in caves because they didn't know that.
if you play driller you drill, if you play engi you engineer, if you play gunner you gun and if you play scout your only job is to be a walking glowstick do this and you are now more useful than 80% of the playerbase
I tried to like it but this webm is a prime example why i couldn't handle it, it's visual vomit.
steam and windows store DRG don't play together
>Everything is clear and the designs are simple
>It's visual vomit
>if you have a full 4 dwarf team, everyone takes one ammo drawer from the pod, don't steal more than that
>before you press a button that starts something make sure everyone is ready, it doesn't hurt to ask in chat too
>use the special equipment of your class, which is:
>for driller, the drills (obviously) - make tunnels and stairs
>for gunner, the zipline - use it to get up and across large chasms
>for engineer, the platforms - look for minerals too high on walls to just jump up to collect, and place platforms under them, then ping them for scout to collect
>for scout, lights and grappling hook to jump onto engie's platforms
and last but not least
What is the worst biome and why is it the Dense Biozone?
It's the most plain. I think a whole update designed around putting some unique wildlife and structures into each area would be fantastic
They did some of that, and it was actually the biozone that got the most unique plants and animals
It wouldn't hurt to have more, though
Gameplay is good if easy (even on EDDs and H5), but the progression mechanics are ass and unfinished at best.
There's literally only one thing to spend resources on (once you've spent a few hours unlocking shit for the classes), the overclocks. 90% of the overclocks are complete garbage and even if they weren't, you're never resource limited on forging the overclocks. Why bother spending the time and effort implementing resources if there's nothing to use them on?
The plant stuff you can collect is nice, except there's five plants with 4 of them dedicated to buying new drinks which are all very quickly unlocked, and then one plant is used to actually make the drinks, so you end up with a bajillion of each with nothing to use them on, and one which you're trying to ration. Again, interesting mechanic where you find the plants randomly through missions but why bother implementing it if there's nothing to use them on?
Same deal with money, you get these double gold missions, and modifiers to make bugs drop more gold, and a drink to make gold veins drop double gold, except that there's nothing to use the gold on. The game is full of half thought through mechanics with good potential like the devs keep starting mechanics and getting bored of them halfway through.
The game is also cringe as fuck, it's full of forced memes and concentrated basedboy "humor". The dwarves are exactly how I can see an estrogen sucking faggot designing dwarves.
get your refund fast
>He wants to grind
You have such a shit opinion.
The Dense Biozone's unique flora and cave gen are the reasons why I hate it. Cacti everywhere with every other large cave being a mess of verticality and ledges.
The fucking copedeflection
The devs have implemented shit to grind, but nothing to spend the grinded shit on. Maybe the devs shouldn't have wasted their time implementing crap like the trading station and the drink crafting, and instead used that time to implement some more enemies, since they're not going to actually finish either of those mechanics apparently.
You can pickaxe your teammates to instantly unfreeze them
Literally one of the best games to come out in the past 10 years. Kill yourself.
Getting cosmetics and all the upgrades can take a lot of resources, so I'm not really sure what you're going on about. Drink crafting is also useful just for the fun of it and it's helpful qualities in the next mission