Resident Evil

>Resident Evil
>Silent Hill
>Dead Space
>Fatal Frame

Be honest Zig Forums, how long would you last in the above scenarios?

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>Depends on what Re place
>Fuck not long I know that my mind is fucked up end up killing myself in no time
>Again my head will get fucked up not long
>Longer then most

Others havent played

>silent hill
Probably the highest chance for survival, most of the monsters can be dealt with by normal people beating them with pipes.

I guess Amnesia is survivable if you aren't a retard like Daniel.

>resident evil
2 hours
>silent hill
6 hours
>dead space
15 minutes

the average Zig Forumsirgin would die from a heart attack in any scenerio. bunch of unhealthy faggots. if you're not slaying pussy, you're not slaying shit. ever

Emphasis on "most"

Most actual fit individuals would die in most of these outside of Silent Hill.

30 seconds
then I cum

I would survive all of them because I would just leave.

How do you just leave Silent Hill or the Ishimura?

You walk in the opposite direction and don't stop

>leaving Demonophobia
I don't think you understand how this works

I'd probably last in Slender because I'm not an autist who needs to collect papers and would just fucking leave the spooky forest. I might also survive Fatal Frame. I'd be completely fucked in any of the others though.

Just smash a window and jump out in Resident Evil. If its RE7 just hop the fucking fence in the backyard

>Zelda boss weak-point eye
Mad cringe, bro.

>Just smash a window and jump out in Resident Evil.
Do you want to be eaten by zombie dogs? Because that's how you get eaten by zombie dogs.

Based schizo

turn 360 degree and walk away

You don't. Unless you consider venting into space to be "leaving" the Ishimura.

On Raccoon City, dead. On other places maybe if I find the right people to be close with
>Silent Hill
Just need to be emotionely strong and you'd be fine, so I guess I'll handle it
>Dead Space
Even worse place to be than Raccoon City, so pretty much dead
Hide well and I'll be fine
>Fatal Frame
Japanese ghosts fuck me up so I'd die of a heart attack on arrival

RE wouldn't be so terrible if the monsters adhered to the laws of physics and weren't bullet sponges
Tyrants honestly don't even seem that scary
Like if I took my scar and shot something in the face with 7.62x51 it's going to make a big fucking hole and you're not going to have shit where it used to be
Dump a mag into a tyrants face and unless it can completely regenerate its brain that bitch ain't coming back
Lickers and G mutants would definitely be a threat because of speed and a mutant's ability to regenerate from anything and potentially just having another brain hidden somewhere in its body, you have to totally destroy them. Zombies are fucking harmless for the same reason, shot to the head or limb and they're dead or disabled

I'd probably survive any of the scenarios. The only real problem is the early chaos on Racoon City.

>>Silent Hill
My mind isn't fucked enough. Even if it is, I just need something to hit the monsters with and run or ask Alessa to be my gf

>>Dead Space
I'm fucked. But if Oscar made it out alive, why can't I? The problem is the church trying to demonify the galaxy. Going into hiding might buy me a few years, maybe a couple decades. Actually going against them would lower the chances of survival

kek. Anyone with 80+ IQ can survive that

Just walk away.

>>Fatal Frame
Never played those

You underestimate the zombies and their behavior, they can easily mob you, feign death at time to ambush you and if Crimson Heads are a factor you're also fucked.

>Dump a mag into a tyrants face and unless it can completely regenerate its brain that bitch ain't coming back

Nemesis and Ouroboros can. Nemesis would actually be the most terrifying challenge irl

My friend once said that if he ended up in any zombi/mutant/demon scenario he would just kill himself.

I can survive any of them except Silent Hill 2.

Slender actively follows you, so even just leaving wouldn't do anything.

He's arguably the worst one to deal with simply because he's actually unstoppable.

I probably would too.

Spencer Mansion will kill me with the ceiling deathtrap when I grab the shotty. Racoon City might be manageable assuming I don't have to worry about Mr. X / Nemesis, as well as getting a gun and enough ammo. In 4 I'm fucked, but in Africa I could just find a working vehicle and drive off. 6, depending on the location, there's better chance of meeting friendlies who are geared up and ready for the shitstorm. 7 I'd try escaping and probably get killed by mold crocodiles or mold mosquitoes or mold swamp dick rot
I'd get fucked on the parts that need you to do illogical shit like jump into a hole I can't see the bottom of, but I have faith in my mental state at least
>Dead Space
Turbo fucked with a scythe arm
ez, the enemies there are dumb as shit, I could hold up a barrel in front of one and he'd think I've vanished into thin air
My phone is garbage so ghosts could just juke my laggy camera and kill me
Literally just don't go into these fenced-in abandoned places people keep vanishing in

>Resident Evil
>Silent Hill
That one bad LSD trip says that I am dead
>Dead Space
Undeniably dead and also a necromorph
>Fatal Frame
Never played
Never played
Never played

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Survivable, but tough

Nemesis needed a fucking rail-cannon in order to kill. And it's implied it mgihtve still been alive even after that before the nukes fell.

Like hell any small arms from a Zig Forumsirgin is taking that out.

They're slow and easy to avoid, if I corner myself then yeah I'm fucked but cities aren't small corridors like in RE and if I have to I can climb over a car in my path
Crimson heads would definitely be a threat
Well yeah his brain isn't even in control anymore, the parasite is
Nemesis would definitely just my ass

>sneaking Demonophobia onto the list
Good thing this is an anonymous board so I don't have to out myself

I'm okay until a BOW gets me
>Silent Hill
Not gonna be fun but I'll get through it
>Dead Space
I'm fucked no matter what.

>They're slow and easy to avoid
The burst of speed they get when they're in close range is enough to grab you and tear out your jugular.

Also, Hunters and Lickers will murder the shit out of you.