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Video Games
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Video Games #5341
Video Games
Immortals; Fenyx Rising
Are they teasing something?
Can somebody explain to me why there's such high demand for the ps5...
Good looter shooter to play
What do you think of customizable genitalia in Cyberpunk 2077?
When was the last time you went to an arcade?
Why does Zig Forums hate Melee so much?
ITT: Your favorite game that came out the year you were born
Desktop thread
How do these photos of PS5 scams work? It will be inevitably charged back...
Zelda CDI games remaster
There is NO reason this should have sold over 20M units MAX. No, Nintendo games are not that good...
How do you react to this?
Asymmetric thumb sticks vs symmetric thumb sticks which one is better? and why?
Stardew Valley characters beta to finished
Camilla is the best
You don't need a next gen controller
Extra contents and true ending are locked behind hard mode
According to analysts this is going to sell over 30 million copies in its first year...
Guys.. I think I just figured out why the terrorists planted the bomb in CS
Why are there so few good games about boats? Black Flag had some merit...
Does Zig Forums like Counter-Strike?
Did you play her game?
Keyboards are an abomination against God
Do you prefer Gerudo Link or Cheerleader Toon Link?
We live in a clown timeline where Obsidian made a more dumbed down piece of shit than Bethesda
Video games are not art
Does Zig Forums like Tharja?
What went wrong?
Steam Sale Thread
Ruins your cool and unique game with tacked on trans shit even though the original had trans stuff
Omori releasing 12.25.2020
Sorceress is for ______
Persona 3 Golden (FES + Portable) will be announced at the game awards
The lore of this game maybe not as great as the other Fromsoft games but Damn the combat is beautiful, and fun too...
What the FUCK was her problem?!?!
I-i-i-i-i-i-its's a gimmick!!1111
Digital Foundry: there is little to no reason to get a new radeon card over the new line of 30XX's...
Should I try Kingdom Hearts?
What do you think of this game?
What does the R.Y.N.O stand for?
Permanently Erasing Every NPC in Oblivion 2
What was his problem?
Peak aesthetics
Name 1 (one) good monitor, just fucking one
Civ 6 leaders
What will Zig Forums be like on December 10th, 2020?
When will this console freely be available?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
3x3 thread bitches
Chrono Trigger Remake
Why do streamers and youtubers always do this?
Based Phil couldnt keep up with the innovation
Flash games death
Is it wrong to pay $10 for a game that is 2-3 hours long?
Sell me on crts
People unironically think skill based matchmaking is bad
Video games are art
Blizzard is FINALLY taking a step in the right direction. The zones are GORGEOUS, the character designs are phenomenal...
Why do modern men no longer prefer character designs of this sort?
Thoughts on pc gaming?
Left will be announced first for December. Right will announced at the end for February
Touhou bread
Doom Eternal releasing on Switch NEXT WEEK
Replay game
Why did Zig Forums forget about FGO? we used to have so much fun talking about it and it's beautiful characters...
Got this because it was 6 bucks and people on here seem to like this series a good bit...
PC gaming
What sort of vidya should I make?
The difficulty depends in 90% on your build and playstyle rather than actual balancing
What did he mean by this?
I like insert myself as strong muscle girl
ITT: Games that people irrationally hated
Bros, I'm in love. Is it worth playing persona 5 just to be with her?
How do we fix modern remakes?
Do you prefer your copies of video games to be digital or physical?
ITT: Modern Western games with SOUL
It's the early 2000's, i've played MGS2, gameplay, story and graphics do not get better than this
Hi Phil here, how can we fix it?
Share bad gamer masterpieces
What is your ideal Minecraft update?
The perfect controller doesn't ex-
Can they do worse than alpha saphine and omega ruby with the next remakes?
Wearing high heels and stockings in battle
Wheres the boomer Peter game Insomniac?
Heavy Gear Assault
Bugsnax thread
You did try out the Genesis port of Cave Story, right?
Why it has failed so hard?
There is much discussion about Portal lately and no one is coming to a conclusion, but don't worry...
I want to buy a Halo game on PC just to experience the multiplayer
What would you say are the major flaws of this game...
Zombie game
Videogame sexual content bad
If video games turn you into mass shooters, then why does it almost exclusively happen in america...
Fallen Order was the second best selling game of the past year
Now that the dust has settled, was he:
Name one (1) PC game where the majority of it's player base are 30yo boomers
Launch game
What's important in good character design?
Miku Monday
For the players
This is it bros. The show that will finally put the lid on E3's coffin
What went so terribly wrong wowbros? Our God emperor asmongold is already calling it the worst wow expansion ever
I'm really enjoying her route. Why did Zig Forums lie to me?
Why hasn't he uploaded any new content recently?
PS5 can't play PS2 games
Why are RPGs like Elder Scrolls so unpopular outside of the west?
What platinum have you recently got/working towards Zig Forums?
Is this the logical conclusion to Metroidvanias? Nothing comes close
When does it get good?
Gaben dies
Why's he so smug, Zig Forums?
Vidya music bread?
Cut Wall Running
Realistically speaking, why nobody can't make a good Superman game?
What went wrong?
Was gifted this game, i still have the receipt though
Say goodbye to anime titties Zig Forums
Deep Sea Prisoner is a girl
ITT: Games only you are looking forward to
Games that capture this feeling?
Hitman chads report in
Have you had any luck getting a PS5 or an Xbox Zig Forums?
Describe a game with one image only
Fable 3
Post franchise that fell for grace
Noita thread
TTT2 vs Tekken 7: a generational leap in character detail
Post the sexiest video girls
I got a nintendo switch lite and i played mhgu for 2 weeks, how long until the drift...
Society is collapsing
Leaked Capcom MHW sales numbers per platform
What are your hopes for the Legend of Zelda 35th anniversary?
40. Years. Old
Legit question. Do you need to have nostalgia to praise and enjoy Nintendo games...
Why is Zig Forums so against Cyberpunk 2077?
Post your phobia and get a horror game recommendation
Zig Forums says pic related is shit
Game doesn't release on Steam
"HURF RETROARCH IS FOR AUTISTS" : every thread discussing it's superiority over standalone emulators
Will you love me if I help you hide?
Try out FFXIV trial
Will you buy it? I love Monkey Island but I don't want all that stupid shit that comes with it...
Come on Zig Forums, we've got a job to do
I bought this game 4 times
Are you going to buy RTX 3080?
Why are you not playing mei's video game?
Stayed up all night playing games
Game relies on quicksaves to not be trash
Play Mortal Kombat 11
Loot crates are ba-
What's your ideal racing game Zig Forums?
Play Sakuna's game
Sister caught me playing monster girl quest
So what happens now in this alternate timeline?
Good guy Todd
I love the Yakuza franchise...
How am I supposed to have fun with this game...
Oh damn user you love jrpgs too?
And that's a good thing
It's all so tedious
Why was TBC so cool?
Stop playing games all the time
An artist drew this
Where were you when videogames proved god's existence?
How did Atlus pull this off without being cancelled?
Cpu usage 50%
Remember when they tricked you into believing 2077 was going to be kino of the highest degree?
Some guy on Reddit is writing a game-specific emulator for Ghost of Tsuhima
Will reports ever be taken seriously?
ITT: video game characters you would be
Miku Monday
25+ Thread
Was resident evil 2 2 a good game?
It's not coming out because of constantly changing cultural standards right?
What am I in for bros? And what should I play to truly experience the visuals?
Play Sonic Adventure 2
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Simps 4
This dude was such a fucking chad. Should have been the final boss
Game series finally gets a good game after years of decline in quality
Has a videogame ever made you sad?
Unattractive person EVIL
When you were a kid, did you want to be a game developer?
This is the face of /asp/, who is the face of /v?
Diego my son you are men now
I'm just going to admit that this game broke me...
Cyberpunk's Main Story is ~20 hours long
Destiny 2
Am I fast enough?
What's the best game you played because of Zig Forums?
Was it kino?
Why won’t this shit work?
Will this even run properly on a non-pro PS4?
All lives don't matter until black lives matter
Law against scalping? How do you even implement it
What is the point of cheating while speedrunning? Also I like that jump
Demon's Souls
Smash Bros Ultimate
Fairi play for cute&dreamy thoughts and emotions。 sweet magic of fairy world(art studying)
What big game franchise has the best fanbase...
How does it compare to the first one? I just finished Daud's DLCs and I'm really wanting more Dishonored...
Which gacha should i pick up bros? I'm only playing FGO and genshin so far
Which game has/is the best wife simulator?
What happened to Blizzard and can it be saved, Zig Forums?
Game lets you fart
Elite Dangerous
Aaahh....America, the land of opportunity
Leave Bombergirl to me
How come every game that adopts Dark Souls' design choices never manage let alone bother to properly incorporate a...
He still plays Pokemon over the age of 20
Uhhhh, Cyberbros?
On PC, Switch and PS4(PS5)
Code Vein
Sony just need to die already...
Make me cry Zig Forums
Boss requires stupid tactics you would not otherwise think of to beat
Do any anons on Zig Forums cultivate? Amazing Cultivation Simulator thread
2020 is OVER
Do you like sexuality in games or do you prefer games to be conservative?
What kind of character do usually you make in vidya with character creation?
What the actual hell happened to digimon? There hasn't been a good digimon game since digimon world 3
Official art is a delicate girl
Cute game with happy themes is actually.... DARK and SCARY!!
Can anyone stand up to the man?
Claim your video game Waifu
AYO TEACHA BITCH user is playing video games during remote learning
Games you love but Zig Forums hates
Heh, nothing personal kid
FLOP Stranding - a Kojima Flop
Cyberpunk sold early for $13k on ebay
Talk about fighting games
What is the ugliest artstyle you have seen in any game?
10 years ago
Octopath traveler
Little brother is trying to become a gaming youtuber
How do you deal with discrot and battery leaks?
Gameplay is king
Why did he play dota so much?
I-I beg you Nintendo.....! Sony.... defeat Sony...!
For me its Juri+10
Enter Jessie
Comfy Switch Thread
Monster Hunter Rise Leaks
GOG Flash Deal: Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is only $1.49 for another 7 hours
Haha how tragic
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
Any decent games to help quit smoking?
What is this design supposed to convey?
Rumor: Hideo Kojima Developing Silent Hills For PS5
Why are Soulsfans so oblivious to the truth?
Microsoft and nintendo just need to die already...
Having almost beaten the game I came to realize that the biggest problem the game or rather its development cycle had...
Is this thing worth it Zig Forums? I remember all those threads about these games a couple months ago
Is this the most forgettable mainline Final Fantasy?
League of Legends players will defend this
Post your gaming red flags
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
What is Zig Forums going to be like on December 10th, 2020?
Yuko Nishiwaki
It comes out in 10 days
Spend 2,000 hours per year playing video games (~4 hours a day if you play all evening)
Best game of the series is also the most disliked one on Zig Forums
Should hitboxes focus on visual consistency, or consistency in feeling?
Look at what you did
Last game you played is now directed by Hideo Kojima
Post your:
What would a found footage horror video game be like?
All they had to do was make 2 but better what the fuck were they thinking
This guy is about to slay you. He lets you have your last words but they have to be a vidya quote. What are they?
Damn... never realized that Roll is kind of hot
Persona 6 is now being handled by Sony and ATLUS
Nintendo Land
What did Paimon mean by this?
Persona 5 is PS4 exclusive because ???
You're never going to hear Wakko belch the theme to Space Harrier
America level
CYBERPUNK 2077: 16 hours gameplay impressions (IGN & GameSpot)
When does it get /comfy/?
Which game has the best gothic aesthetic?
Name a game with a worse community
Any aliens, time travelers, or espers want to talk about video games?
What would you actually do in his place?
It's really happening this time huh? The madman did it
This is the haru thread
MMO that finally has decent gameplay that isn't just clicking and hotkeys
Godotfags are getting too cocky
Genshin Impact Zhongli trailer
How many games did you finish this year?
This is the worst game I have ever played in my life
Final Fantasy XVI
Hows your gaming crew doing Zig Forums? Have you guys fallen out when becoming adults?
So we all agree he shouldn't give a shit about Sonic right?
Backlog Thread
Society is collapsing
QO7RC-6SU2P-G94KS: The Jackbox Party Pack 3
One of the finest games ever made
How can DE fix Warframe?
Can not having friends really fuck a guy up this badly?
Screenshot thread go
Gen 9 is Dead
I want a 1080p 240hz monitor, thoughts?
Mass Effect
Adult Gams thread time
Imagine Death Stranding with procedural generation
What a terrible year for remakes, why can't modern devs get anything right?
Are you an A fag or a B chad
When will game publishers figiure this out?
Thoughts on Remake Aeris?
HOTD franchise
Black Souls
Well, Zig Forums?
ITT: games that filtered you
Well Zig Forums, can you run it?
Pic related is an objective list of the greatest games ever made in history
They finally did it
Still 30fps on the ps5
Definition of a speedrun is to beat the game as soon as possible
Xbox has nogaems
Why did Dota 2 die?
Which games actually allow you to take the evil path and not just
I want to fuck her so fucking bad
Video game fapping and cumming thread. The premise is you post hot video game girls and fap to them, then you cum...
Reminder that Cyberpunk 2077 is releasing in 10 DAYS...
What is Sony's endgame in having the PS5 record your mic's audio when you get a trophy?
If Bluepoint Is Remaking A Metal Gear Game Which One Should It Be?
PlayStation PC
I'm really enjoying her route. Why did Zig Forums lie to me?
This expansion is absolutely fucking incredible. You have so much to do now and its not forced upon you...
Which 3 Capcom crossover fighting games (with Marvel, SNK, and Tatsunoko) do you prefer, Zig Forums?
Tfw meet all the recommended specs and my GPU (980) is stronger than the 590 and 1060
Why aren't you playing Heroes of the Storm?
1.5gb update just dropped
That part in a video game where it stops being fun
Why is Japan afraid of anime men getting laid?
How did they make a turn-bssed system so fluid and visually enthralling...
This is a 250 year old virgin
Where's the remake links to this or a torrent?
Game reviewer fights his evil side
Decide to learn jungle so I can take it when my friends get autofilled
Just got approved for an Amazon credit card with $800 limit
What video games most remind you of December/Christmas/the winter months, Zig Forums...
Tfw Microsoft will go third party by the end of the gen and we'll have Halo on PS5
Should I buy demon souls? It's $20 new and I have the right console
What's the last triple A game you bought at full price?
Rule 1 of the researcher's code Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity thread
Which female vidya character would make a real good mommy?
Project Wingman
I'm interested in making a manhunt game in the 2D dogfighter style, anyone got ideas for how to make it fun?
Is this the perfect WoW experience in every regard, from expansion theme, art style, raids to general gameplay?
Why haven't you taken the VRpill yet?
I just realized it's pronounced "Ebrietas"
Hey Zig Forums when was the last time you had BIG regret when you played a game?
Zig Forums, how is this?
Hottest Vidya Girls
Best dating sims out there?
Last thread 404'd
ChiChi for FighterZ
Describe your bathroom or last shit with the name of a video game level/chapter
Choose your action horror, and explain why
What games would he play?
Does he still visit you?
PC gaming is too hard
Is ray tracing a fad? post a single example where it actually makes a real difference
Outsource your golden egg to sweatshops
Penguins are just clones of Samus in costumes
PlayStation dominance
Mega Man in 2020
Why do these games feel like such a slog to play?
Is there a video game character that you love?
Unironic thoughts on Caves of Qud?
Party Van
Im not trying to start some console war...but unironic....what is the reasoning for buying a xbox?
How's them new controllers holding up, sonybros?
ITT: Fun stoppers
Monster Hunter Rise Leak
Why haven't you beaten La-Mulana yet? Don't worry, remaking is progress is easier if you start a new save file
I've been playing games for 30 years. Xenoblade is one of the best games in history...
Your Majesty, you. must. die. in HD
Honestly, this is one of the best games Nintendo has ever made...
Rosalina > Peach > Daisy
Play Slepunky 2
Nature selects the strong to survive! my legionnaries will endure the harsh reality of our world or die!
Steam sale thread
Newest Cyberpunk leak
Western devs cant make attractive women
You will never be a teenager again
For those keeping up with recent events, are you on Team Nintendo or Team Melee?
Best female character dies almost immediately
13 Aegis Rim
They may have remastered the game horribly, but they remastered the commercial beautifully
Chris, I want you to fuck me!
Who was in the wrong here?
Post you’re gacha wife + proof of your marriage
I wirr nau readeru tis kothaku artikru and correct ad revenu
She singlehandedly ruined the game
Buy the PS5
Still no Gyro sensor
PC Gaming just doesn't make sense anymore
I'm about to buy a new graphics card
Was this game good?
Thoughts on this welsh goddess?
Attention Zig Forums! It is time for your mandatory 3x3 thread. Post your 9 favorite games and r8 and h8 others...
Devs make a racist character in current year
Any build other than agile attack roll spamfest is useless: the game
Permanently Erasing Every NPC in Oblivion
He collects discs
Holy shit, this game is legitimately amazing
Steam avatar thread?
What did you think of Mario Party DS? Did you think it was a fine sendoff from Hudson...
Holding a sword properly
Suddenly, Zig Forums loves p2w Chinese gacha
This is Mylla, guildmistress of the Gladiator's Guild of Ul'dah. Say something nice about her
WHy did he do it?
He doesn't create himself in the character creator
Spent the entire day building a highway
That atrocious level design
How's that streaming channel going, Zig Forums?
This is an ugly girlgamer, according to Japan. Even when they're trying to make ugly characters...
He played M rated games as a kid
Everyone will love the Wii U in another five years
How the fuck did this game get so many 10/10s?
The diablo memes were real
I like when he plays Spelunky
Despite having a long running franchise that doesn't suck...
Now that we've all played and finished this years' GOTY, is there anything you would've done differently or improved
Greedfall is getting an expansion
Why can't you teleport between lamps instead of forcing you to go through the Hunter's Dream?
Thoughts on Princess Daisy?
Atmospheric Puzzle Games
Yakuza 7
Whats the most shameful amount of money/time you wasted on a game, Zig Forums?
PlayStation is the console for adul-
Normalfags learns about your favorite video game franchise and ruins the fanbase
My fellow Cyrodillians
Resident Evil
GOG is doing... Good?
Can someone explain why Switch games never goes to sale or gets price cuts...
Essential Zig Forums core games
Given the choice, do you play as a Mage, Gunner or Swordsman and why?
I'm gonna say it
Single handedly ruins her own game
*perfects controllers*
What is the holy grail of Zig Forums lost media?
Yet another entry to the list of games i've beaten before having sex
How do we fix the horror genre, Zig Forums?
Screenshot thread
How's that game coming along, Zig Forums?
What're your guy's thoughts on pokemon xD
Game needs a youtube video to tell you how to enjoy it
Battler, do you remember what day it is today?
What are the best pet-raising games?
It was all downhill from here
Leaning on buying a xbox series x when it’s available. Tell me why i should pick it over the ps5
Buy Cyberpunk 2077
Any recs for games with amazing atmosphere or world immersion?
How do we save the Duke Nukem series? If Doom can be saved, so can Duke
Santa Hat thread
Devs keep trying to push that one character
Explain why scalping is bad without being an angry manchild
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine