Well Zig Forums, can you run it?

Well Zig Forums, can you run it?

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Do I want to?



Attached: No.png (651x617, 31.8K)

with ease

I dunno shazambros...what if it's too poorly optimized for my puny pc??

Attached: Speccy64_2020-11-29_21-25-04.png (618x481, 30.56K)

my card does not support dx12, so no

yes i meet recommended requirements

nope, I'm going to have to get the ps4 version, so I'll need new headphones.

Attached: unknown.png (713x526, 39.57K)

Just fine on my (base) ps4,thanks
>mfw psu arced and blew up
Yes, I cleaned my pc regularly.

Already secured my series s

idk, can I?

Attached: z.png (636x577, 66.79K)

Yes. With RTX on even.

Maybe at minimum if you edit some .ini

>tfw meet all the recommended specs and my GPU (980) is stronger than the 590 and 1060
>tfw dont have 6gb vram
FUCK lads, I was so close. How fucked am I for 1080p?

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I can barely run games from 2017

Turn down some meme settings and you'll be fine. VRAM issues only causes stutter/crashes. So just ensure you're using below 4GB VRAM and your FPS wont be affected.

Pretty sure you'll get medium/high settings for 60fps at 1080p

yeah I use 1080
won’t buy it tho

If a 970 can run Watch dogs legion at 60fps for medium (even more demanding requirements than cyberpunk while also being Ubishit optimized), your 980 is gonna handle Cyberpunk just find


>RX 580
>7 3700X
I'm good

I have a 980 and I want to upgrade to a 3080 at this point, but my only option is to buy from a scalper. I'm wondering if I should at this point since there is never any stock.

If its just for cyberpunk then unless you want Ray tracing shit, there's no need. It's a console shit game

What’s the cheapest best upgrade past a 1060

>1050 ti
>i5 7400
am I fucked?

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I spent $2k for Ray tracing. Even if it runs at 10fps that shit is going ON

2080 since you're gonna be waiting months for a SHOT at a 3000 series card

Might as well wait it out, if you want to upgrade then do it when they drop the next-gen patch

I'm just thinking that it's starting to show its age. I tried playing Control, and I had to tone down a bunch of settings to get it to a playable frame rate. I was willing to pay the $1500 for a 3090, but I might have to pay that much for a 3080 because of the stock issues.

I can barely run 2013 games

970 here
Can I at least run it at minimum and get 1080?

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Control isn't very well optimized, Cyberpunk should definitely run fine on a 980

I have a series x so it doesnt matter.

Yes. Do you not know how to read specs?


Yes, I have a PS4 Pro.

Attached: 1588284782130.png (1445x1075, 426.22K)

RTX 2070
i7 4790k

1440p, ultra graphics, DLSS on, ray tracing off. Hoping to stay above 100 FPS but dips into the 80s aren't bad.

Enjoy your minimum settings until they release the patch


Nigga you are retarded.

It's not a twitch shooter. Anything above 30 is fine

970 is stronger than a 780 which is minimum. And a 970 can run watch dogs decent at medium settings (same specs as C2077) so you will be fine for medium/low settings if u want 60fps

>get brand new 3070 as of a few days ago
>last gen game will barely get 60 fps with rtx

Nope. The SeX version is the same as the XBone version until they release the upgrade patch some time next year

I have a 2060 Super and a Ryzen 7 3700X, so yes, I can run it. Can I run it on ultra settings in 1440p and get a steady FPS? I'm doubtful, but we'll see. I'm sure I can at least play it on high settings in 1440p at least.

I won't really know till the game comes out and I test the graphic settings on my PC. I just hope it's not poorly optimized like some PC games, but this is Cyberpunk and CDPR that we're talking about, I'm sure it won't be poorly optimized.

DLSS my dude
The listed specs are for 60fps

>R7 2700 Non-X
>RX 580
>32 GB Ram @ 3200

Oh I'm sure it'll be fine.

Attached: Chippin' In.jpg (235x285, 45.21K)

What's a steady FPS for you? You should be fine if you don't plan on using ray tracing.

>2060 super
Its gonna be glorious

>specs are for 60fps
source needed