Extra contents and true ending are locked behind hard mode

>extra contents and true ending are locked behind hard mode

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as it should be

>Watches true ending on youtube

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>tfw only play second hardest difficulty nowadays
>tfw got worse at video games ever since i became a girl

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>not playing on hardest difficulty available on first playthrough
its like you choose the game to have less gameplay

>tfw hardest difficulty is not available on first playthrough

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This The problem is when you need to play the game two times to get the true ending.

>hard difficulty is impossible without grinding same area for scraps of xp and playing "correct" build
>normal difficulty requires you to use everything you have but fights still take up to 15min
>easy difficulty makes you invincible and no matter what you do you always win
I hate video games

that doesn't apply to all games nigget

>Happy ending is exclusive to Easy mode

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