>extra contents and true ending are locked behind hard mode
Extra contents and true ending are locked behind hard mode
as it should be
>Watches true ending on youtube
>tfw only play second hardest difficulty nowadays
>tfw got worse at video games ever since i became a girl
>not playing on hardest difficulty available on first playthrough
its like you choose the game to have less gameplay
>tfw hardest difficulty is not available on first playthrough
This The problem is when you need to play the game two times to get the true ending.
>hard difficulty is impossible without grinding same area for scraps of xp and playing "correct" build
>normal difficulty requires you to use everything you have but fights still take up to 15min
>easy difficulty makes you invincible and no matter what you do you always win
I hate video games
that doesn't apply to all games nigget
>Happy ending is exclusive to Easy mode
why wont this gif finish loading
Because Kuroba is a shit app.
>true end is actually the worst one
>ending was a new beginning
>ending loops back to intro
>ever since i became a girl
baited for this exact response
I'm still a cute girl now thought :3
No user. You're just old.
i really want to fuck a trap, bros
I really want to fuck a trap while dressed as a trap
traps are only attracted to other traps so go and dress up!
I'm not gay, but I would pound Astolfo all night long given the chance
>I'm not gay
sure buddy
im not gay
i just prefer men for their company and sex like the greeks and romans
>Hardest difficulty requires to play like a Godly Japanese NEET or you instantly die for 0.07s "mistake"
Why even bother?
>became a girl
Get help
They drew a hot girl, of course I'm going to be attracted to it
Yes, I got help with my transition, and am now living my best life as my true self