Game reviewer fights his evil side

>Game reviewer fights his evil side

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Fucking MovieBob. What's been going on with that guy?

Hows your gaming channel going,user?

>his evil side hates the reviewer's favorite game
>has never played it
>reviewer convinces him to play it
>his evil side likes it and remarks "this isn't so bad"

>game reviewer has a black counterpart

Attached: 87A45B55-D250-41A4-8FC3-BCFD0DDA34B5.png (900x989, 135.74K)

>reviewer is a woman
>reviewer from usa
>her voice is literally sound of scratching glass with sharp object

Attached: 1605652965256.jpg (245x243, 26.83K)

>"I don't want to do this but the day has come"
>Pulls out game widely considered bad (sonic 06, superman 64, etc)
>Horror movie sound effect
>Game is possesed or something like that

>"i really wanted to like this game"

Attached: 22323.jpg (480x360, 15.42K)

>what were they thinking!?

>game reviewer tries his hardest to act like a first time player

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