Hows your gaming crew doing Zig Forums? Have you guys fallen out when becoming adults?

Hows your gaming crew doing Zig Forums? Have you guys fallen out when becoming adults?

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damn whos that cutie on the right?

Choco best FGC girl! Kayo best FGC girl(male)!

is that el ogro the father and the qt megane girl the mother? god dammit I want to go back to asia and be worshiped as a sex god again


You see how the girl on the right has kind of 'weird' looking eyes? Never EVER get involved with girls who have eyes like that. They're always batshit insane, usually bipolar or a bit schizo.

t. sex haver

>batshit insane
No shit, it's a tranny.

kek is it actually?

Yes, it's Ricki Ortiz.

Of course. Pretty sure one of them outright hates me now considering he unfriended me on everything he could lol