When you were a kid, did you want to be a game developer?
When you were a kid, did you want to be a game developer?
I actually do make games but I got hit with a horrible disease at 19. I did still program for awhile until I got too sick. Now I've recruited a team to make it for me. Listening to the programmers gush about cool shit they've made kinda hurts me because I get that itch to jump in and help, but my body is so broken I can't think straight enough. Truly, this disease has taken so much away from me.
I have some really cool shit in the old bin too. I want to make it open source for people to maybe play with someday. There's a lot of cool shit that was honestly innovative and brand new at the time that we were proud of. That said, there's no point in making it open source until I've actually made a finished decent game, which is very hard right now, but it's chugging along really fast now with the new team.
Working on getting into one of those big nationally renowned hospitals, may be able to get fixed someday but I doubt it. Wish me luck you dumb fucks
In highschool I wanted to work for THQ/LucasArts/Pandemic. They all died and I lost all motivation to pursue a career in games.
yes, and I still want to.
honing my skills while still in uni at the moment
>want to be
I was making games with this when I was eleven years old, most of them about killing Barney.
Still have my big box copy with the 3.5" disks.
Yeah, I've always wanted to make games. For a few years I've messed around with game maker and done some half competent test games, fun stuff, but now college kills my time and motivation a lot of the time. Recently I've been working on a utility to let me make animations to use in my games with a specific format. This is more autistic than the time I made my own bootleg of the hunger games simulator, but it's a ton of fun.
Show some of your stuff and good luck
Kind of. But upon realizing how much better paid actual software developers are, and how gamedevs are treated like dirt, I said fuck that shit. The cherry on the top of the cake was when games went to absolute shit in mid to late 00's (cash shops (aka microtransactions), horse armor, incomplete games, always-online, casualization, online passes, etc.)
Wait, what? Is this gen 1? There were no fucking grass or water types to catch on the way to Pewter. It was all birds and bug shit.
>no grass
are you fucking stupid
No, I was never dumb enough to assume that just because I liked playing them, that I'd also like making them. The working conditions throughout the gaming industry are karma for stupidity, imo.