Definition of a speedrun is to beat the game as soon as possible

>definition of a speedrun is to beat the game as soon as possible
>modern speedruns now just go to the credits
>someone who has never beaten the game can warp to the credits a second faster than anyone else and call themselves the best OoT player

so fucking cringe

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so just don't watch any% runs then dumbass.

Just watch a longplay or a different category you fucking moron

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>and call themselves the best OoT player
no, that's typically reserved for 100% completion speedruns, not any%

>taking kids' games seriously

Too bad 100% is a teleporting mess these days. Just not the same anymore...

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What the fuck is interesting or impressive about a glitchless speedrun? Beating a video game is in no way an impressive feat. Every game is designed to be beaten. Watching a glitchless speedrun is like watching someone sit in a chair; yes, they're using an object for it's intended purpose but it'd be way better to see someone do something unintended and cool with it.

Speedruns are only interesting because they usually showcase cool glitches. They show the inner workings of the game, and THAT is neat, not the mere act of beating the game faster than other people. No one actually gives a fuck about your time except other speedrunners because they hope beating a game fast will validate them. Speedrunners themselves are pathetic losers.

Speedruns are stupid anyways
>hurr watch me abuse these bugs and exploits that autistic basement dwellers discovered through years of datamining
The real niggas are the ones who can speedrun without using glitches or exploits

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>What the fuck is interesting or impressive about a glitchless speedrun?
Doing it fast you doorknob.