>he collects discs
Have fun when they all die in 10 years lmao
Going to miss my ps2 though when they finally succumb to disc rot
>he collects discs
Have fun when they all die in 10 years lmao
Going to miss my ps2 though when they finally succumb to disc rot
I have PS1 discs older than the average Zig Forums poster and they all still work just fine.
>disc rot poster does his monthly post
Go away before I post my perfect-condition copy of Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes.
When are my disks going to rot? They're like 25 years old now
What if OP is right and physical shit is coming to an end? Most stuff is getting cheaper on digital nowadays. It sucks because physical just feels better.
>Most stuff is getting cheaper on digital nowadays
Only with steam, everywhere else(console) it's always full price with some rare discounts
25 to 70 years
Never if you treat them well, disc rot is a meme that's used by retards who treat their discs like shit but don't want to admit that they're the ones who ruined them.
They will still die one day
I still own Quake II on CD-ROM and that's older than like 95% of Zig Forums. Zoomers are stupid to prefer digital only.
I have CD's older than you are and they're still in perfect condition.
>10 years
>when PS2 is already 19 years old
>when i have literal PS1 discs from the mid 90's that are still pristine and work
okay 17 year old.
>I gave away my old DVD collection this weekend
>dies 80 years later
who gives a fuck if the disc lasts as long as I do when I'm dead IDGAF anymore
Steam is shit and contributing to the decline of PC gaming with the erasure of physical and proliferation of loot/gacha shit via TF2.
I have discs that are 30 years old and they're still strong.
This happens to CDs that were made by Chinks circa 1990-2004, but most CDs were made by reputable manufacturers like Samsung and Sony. So they'll last a century.
Do you live in a hot humid climate? I have CDs from 1988 that are completely fine.
Here physical is always like $20-$30 cheaper on release than the digital version from psn.
Not unless someone throws them out.
we know user, everything would die someday, including you
How do I prevent disc rot?
It depends. The Switch store never has good discounts, and Sony used to never have any good discounts either but in the past year they’ve had some really steep discounts, though to be fair, they’re generally matching Steam sale prices.
>Digital is cheaper
No it's not, you can find used copies via ebay. Digital is also usually more expensive while retaining the same cost at launch as physical in spite of 1) no disc/box 2)no costs of printing it or giving it to distributors etc 3) method used to crack down on 2nd hand market
>disc rot
Only a problem on throwaway cd-rs and laserdiscs. Try harder
clean under ur foreskin
haha very funny now how do I save my DVD collection?
Avoid humidity and heat.
Upload it digitially
I only collect games to display them on a shelf lmao, I don't give a solitary fuck about no disc rot nonsense.
>He doesn't keep his vidya in his personal salt mine.
Never going to make it.
>Most stuff is getting cheaper on digital nowadays
The funny thing is that the lower it costs to make (for example burning tens of millions of CDs costs a lot more than tens of millions of codes you can use to download a file) the cheaper it should be for the consoomer. But it isn't. In fact in a lot of cases digital memes cost more than physical ones.
But you don't need to ask questions. You need to consoom product and then get excited for next product.
>discs in 2020
Even worse is when the disk drive fails.
>Digitalcuck in 2020
okay dont buy it then you poorfag
It's the same as any other industry
Do you think car companies like BMW will stop making expensive vehicles because poorfags like you can't afford them? You are irrelevant
>What do you mean the disc could not be read?
>getting smug over an obsolete form of storage media
Everything dies eventually.
Eventually digital dumps will be all thats left.
Cartridges will last longer but even those have a limit.
>getting smug over not owning everything
blu rays don't get disc rot?