10 years ago

>10 years ago
>was able to spend all the day playing videogames without regrets

>play a videogames for more than 3 hours in a single day
>huge regret thinking I could had done something else even when I had fun

Anyone else?

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>be neet
>no motivation to play anything

>get job
>suddenly want to finish everything in my baccklog

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Yes, that's because you've grown up and your body is telling you to reproduce. Better get used to it, this will last for the rest of your life. You can learn to ignore it and still continue playing.

I'm barely able to play 3h per week.

You're missing the ironic part
>can easily spend entire day hooked to the internet dopamine consumption tube despite not being able to game for more than a couple hours

Whenever I try to play games I feel so tired
Currently I'm playing DOOM 64 one level at a time and it sucks

>play for more than 2 hours
>BF instantly thinks I am ignoring him

Nope. Vidya's the best part of the day.

Slowly realizing that they are a waste of time and your efforts should be put elsewhere is the worst it'll ever be. At that point there's no purpose even playing them anymore since the growing cynicism won't leave until you actually stop playing video games and move on with your life.
You've lost a hobby user.

Just think how much time you've wasted on Zig Forums and are continuing to waste.

>can't wait for my day off at work to play games
>spend most of the day wondering what I'm going to play until the very last hour
It's a suffering existence

This happens to me to and I hate it


What the fuck is going on, is vidya too much effort now???

I've gone back and forth between being a neet and not multiple times and this is true every single time. Its really weird, when I'm a neet, I constantly don't want to get absorbed into something useless because it makes me feel worse about being a neet to waste all my days on video games. But when i'm in school or have a job, I feel productive so spending my free time on vidya is no big deal and it feels great. Its so stupid, I could have gone through my entire backlog while being a neet but it just doesn't work for me

>can't wait to play vidya on my day off after working overtime this week
>spend the whole day prepping dinner, decorating, doing chores, etc
>played with settings in a couple of games at the end of the night before turning them off and going back to YouTube and Zig Forums
>have work today

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>Used to be able to play RPGs all day long
>Now can only play sparingly

wtf Zig Forums, I thought becoming a wizard will give you power to marathon games in one sitting

Nope, there's a reason video games are mostly seen for kids or to be casually played as adults. This medium just doesn't really hold up when you get older. You wasted your time, sorry.

For all of you talking about how you can't play games anymore I just want to report on an experiment I did
>cancelled home internet and downgraded to a dumbphone for nearly six months
>had to do any internet stuff at library
>ended up going maybe once per week to shitpost but would only stay a couple hours
>at home I have no electronic entertainment besides old dvds, radio, and my old consoles
>start playing the shit out of PS2/Sega Genesis games, beat stuff I've had since I was a kid
What I learned wasn't that I got too old, or that games aren't fun anymore, or anything like that- it's that games simply cannot compete with the novelty firehose provided by unlimited internet access.
I know you won't act on this info, but I thought you might find it interesting or perhaps confirm your suspicions.

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I play all day and just want to kill myself
I work all day and still think it would be better to be dead. So nah not me.

Living is a waste of time. We should be efficient and kill ourselves.

I still boot up my old games every now and then just to prove this to myself time after time.

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Haha yeah, nice try buddy, don't think I don't know you're a Terminator.

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unplug your fucking internet off and do nothing but play videogames for a single day
Just fucking ignore the world for a single day. You will tank me later

I'll agree with this. It's hard to concentrate on one thing when you know that a million are happening around you every minute. It's like wanting to stay up late with the adults to not miss out on "important" stuff. The internet is a nightmare dressed in daytime clothing.

decent experiment and understandable conclusion. now imagine if you took zoomers and deleted all their extraneous tech do you think they might become model adults? because right now vitriol and degregation seem more important to them, and it's championed by the anonymity granted by tech

What single player games are worth playing for 24 hours straight?

how do I stop this I have to be fucking productive even after work? I work and when I don't work I want to draw and if I am not drawing I just thinks about finding ways to be productive. I dont have money problems at all, I just want that feel of don't care about anything and enjoy your free time back

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>be neet
>spend all day playing videogames and jacking off
>shitpost on Zig Forums between matches and during lunchbreak

its been fun as fuck but I know I need to get money at some point lol

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I already jumped, you are just a coward, user. too bad it didn't work. Or this might be hell already, who knows.

How do I get back the freedom feel I had when I was a kid?

How can one enjoy video games while wage slaving ? There is constantly this feeling of guilt and dread that I could he doing something better to escape this wage slave life while playing vidya

nothing in our lives truly matter, just do what you enjoy until you die

Yeah, playing a video game to relax after a long day feels more rewarding. I've been "working" from home since March, but no one gives a flying fuck about me at my job since I'm new and inexperienced, so I've barely had anything to do in the past nine months but I'm still getting paid somehow. This is basically a neet's fantasy, but if I play during the day the guilt makes it very hard for me to enjoy it, I wait till night or over the weekend to actually play as I used to before the pandemic. Sometimes I just read stuff about my field to feel like I did something productive and enjoy games a bit more.

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Die and hope you get a good roll on rebirth

Based hedonist.