Can not having friends really fuck a guy up this badly?

Can not having friends really fuck a guy up this badly?

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Adachi had bigger problems than not having friends, he had a narcissistic personality that made having friends difficult or impossible and the only reason the protagonist could even approach him in Golden is that the game turns you into a yes-man in everyone's social links. Mitsuo was in the same boat. But then again, Persona 4 is kind of poorly written and actually does present friendship as a remedy in and of itself so fuck me I guess.

Yes. Human interaction is incredibly important. Unfortunately, people who are more inclined to be introverted tend to have greater difficulty interacting with others, which in the worst case scenario can lead to that person being completely alone and seeking ways to cope with their solitude.

Yes. No matter how much you fight it we are all social creatures that need companionship.

I wouldnt know, but he was a massive asshat either way.

>shonen anime masquerading as a video game promotes the power of friendship
I'm utterly shocked

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Sucks, man.

>the few IRL friends I have barely play videogames
>at least one quit gaming over time and he was the one that spouted internet memes
Having friends including online friends is the natural thing a human should do, humans are social animals and it makes the brain feel good, if you feel too much like shit you tend to think bad things and feel even more like shit while this shit cycle only ends when you somehow snap out of it and feel good again or when you go to sleep and your emotions essentially reset, whichever comes first

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To be fair, they're trying to instill that human soul the rest of the human race has into Asians. After decades of effort and not a hint of change it would seem to be a bit of a fruitless venture though.

That and the Japanese work environment

Unironically yes.
I'm basically a complete loser like Adachi minus the magic powers and would've snapped long ago probably if not for my two friends.

Take a look around and tell me

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Yes. Just look at Zig Forums

Yeah, not having at least friends will fuck you up mentally.

Look around you.

haha imagine going your whole life without validation or affirmation as a person i mean lol thats crazy hahahaha

you'd be surprised how many are like that etc

You need friends or people you can talk to in Japanese society

>you can still start over

How bullshit is this? Do people really think things will go back to the way they were if they "start over"? You'll be watched and monitored for the rest of your life, and people will always be wary of you. People should do what God wanted you to do in the Old Testament was die in blaze of glory and then be reincarnated after you spend time in Heaven.

It definitely fucks a person up, but at the same time, having friends is like having a relationship. It won’t fix your problems, but it makes coping with them easier. This only applies if they’re good friends rather than shitty friends though.

No there needs to be some other additional personality flaw or trauma to push someone that far. I don't have any friends but the only person I hate is myself.

Yes just look at some of the posters on Zig Forums. Can tell not having friends fucked up some anons.

>I threw those sluts into a tv because they were awful, everybody is awful these days, it's enough to make anyone crazy

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I just played P4G and god P3 is just so much superior. This game seriously pissed me off.

The rain is such a shitty mechanic, it kills off so many days for any meaningful action.
Dungeon special floors gone (like floor full of chests or treasure hands but Death comes really fast).
The SLs are just shit and anticlimatic, half of the stories end with "okay, I'll just accept that I won't be able to do what I wanted to do for 8 out of 10 SL events. Can I be your gf instead?".
SLs become unavailable without a warning, so you can never finish them
That fucking cleaning mop that you are given randomly and if you sell it you can never finish a quest

The game wastes so much time with rain and "oh night disabled because you spend 5 seconds looking at the TV" that you can only finish it on a second playthough which is shit because I'm not going to replay a 80 hour game instantly after finishing it once so it will just leave you blueballed. It's also bullshit that all the good answers for early SLs require courage or understanding check that you cannot possibly have at that point to force a replay again.

And Tartarus, the dark hour and so on are just so much better theme and atmosphere then let's play detectives in eyeglasses and literally nothing interesting happens until like November.

>tfw everyone around me is a giga normalfag
>tfw haven't had a friendly conversation in years
>tfw no friends

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I don't know if I'm broken because I've never had friends, or if people can see that I'm broken so they know not to be my friend. It can absolutely ruin a person, or it's a sign that you're a ruined person. Don't trust anybody who has no friends, there is probably something very wrong with them

He could've learned how to focus on money and travel to Thailand for pussy. Instead he got off to pushing people into TV's to kill them. He could've made millions by taking people's trash and storing them. Make a lot of good friends that way too.

Liquor is MY friend

I'm strong because I have no friends.

Yes abso-fucking-lutely.

Is that you Araragi-kun?

It depends on how big the fuck up is. Something like falling out with someone or losing your temper with them tends to get forgiven if it’s not a regular occurrence.

If it’s something like murder, then yeah. You have to carry and work around that mark forever.

I suppose the question is, having had that experience, are these people beyond becoming truly “normal”? Most people who go through seriously mental trauma have their normie card revoked from there on out.

Have you ever thought that maybe having a shitty personality was the effect of no one liking you and not the cause?

No, the cause was definitely being an ugly fuck with a terrible personality.

Being a grown man and worrying about having friends is embarrassing. So is wondering if your Japanese video games are real life.

Yes it can. Hypertensive crisis at age 27 and being hospitalized for anxiety-induced PTSD is just one of many outcomes.

t. I'm the guy in the hospital. Loneliness or solitude is not some three-month sabbatical to your off-the-grid bachelor pad in the Rockies. True loneliness is a massive void that can deprive a man of his very sanity. You want to grasp just how maddening it can get, look at Matt Damon's character in Interstellar. That shit is just the tip of the iceberg, as he was in cryosleep for most of it

>I get so anxious about myself I totally have PTSD
>watch this movie, this guy in it was like totally me
You're an introvert narcissist.

Well I wasn’t talking about you specifically, but that sucks.

nigger, the doctors took my heart rate/ It was 250 over 180. They thought I was on drugs. And this was after I only got six hours of sleep for an entire week. For the record, the longest period a man has gone without sleep is 11 days. Eat shit and die zoomer twat

Have you ever thought that it's not the rest of the world's problem if Adachi takes people's indifference towards him as an insult?

>he thinks PTSD only occurs in war
oh my sweet summer child

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Here we go anytime some guy complains about being lonely in come the narcissism accusations. This is really just projection, normalfags are the real narcissists and you have every right to be upset that you have no friends/girlfriend.

Yes, it's completely possible. What's worse is substituting places like Zig Forums for your only source of social interaction.

Holy shit, who would actually post this embarrassing shit about themselves, even anonymously? Are you sure you're not a woman?

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Just don’t be mad when those spurned take things into their own hands.

No, if you'[re a shitty person those negative aspects of your personality were always there, the most you can blame society for is not helping you keep them in check. But then again, he never fucking asked for help.

Adachi is a loser, and it is ultimately his fault.