I have a question regarding this new portal scenario I came up with. as you can see...

I have a question regarding this new portal scenario I came up with. as you can see, we have a pillar entering the freefalling orange portal, and emerging out of the blue portal which is under a table supporting a heavy object. also, the pillar is taller than the distance between the portal and the table.
at some point, the pillar will touch the table, and here's where I want to ask: what would happen then?
>the pillar forces itself into the table as the orange portal falls, either lifting the table and the block, or breaking
to which I ask: where is the force causing this coming from? even if you believe that a moving portal can transfer energy to objects, the only force here is gravity acting upon the falling surface, which definitely isn't enough to lift the block, or break the pillar
>the falling surface stops, as it doesn't have enough energy to make the pillar lift the block, and simply floats/bounces off thin air
to which I ask: wouldn't that be cool?

Attached: portal_pillar.png (1040x2194, 36.37K)

i hate these threads i cant think about it any more

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this all comes down to the discussion of whether or not a moving portal applies force or not. depending on which way you look at it it's a paradox that has no right answer

>What are the real physics behind something that is impossible due to physics
Both happens at the same time and the pillar gets ridiculously hot.

It's all right, most people here can't think at all

>I have a question regarding this new portal scenario I came up with. as you can see, we have a pillar entering the freefalling orange portal, and emerging out of the blue portal which is under a table supporting a heavy object. also, the pillar is taller than the distance between the portal and the table.
at some point, the pillar will touch the table, and here's where I want to ask: what would happen then?
>the pillar forces itself into the table as the orange portal falls, either lifting the table and the block, or breaking
to which I ask: where is the force causing this coming from? even if you believe that a moving portal can transfer energy to objects, the only force here is gravity acting upon the falling surface, which definitely isn't enough to lift the block, or break the pillar
>the falling surface stops, as it doesn't have enough energy to make the pillar lift the block, and simply floats/bounces off thin air
to which I ask: wouldn't that be cool?

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Okay, Afags, can you do one thing for me, please. Stop talking about fucking hula hoops. Or doorframes. Or Buster fucking Keaton. Or rings. Or holes in paper. Or cups and balls. Or any of the other ones you can come up with that are just variations of the same tired, wrong, bullheaded talking point that thirty people in every thread somehow present as if it just popped into their head and they had to share this amazing solution. All it does is reveal that you fundamentally do not understand what the discussion is even about, and make no effort to even try.

Nothing would happen, the pillar is standing on the ground. You could freely move the portal up or down and it would still stand on the ground.

What is "nothing" in this scenario? I mean, it already describes things happening.

To elaborate on that, portals by definition allow you to obtain infinite potential energy.

>the only force here is gravity
No there is electrostatic repulsion that stops the concrete pillar falling through the table, the ground, or itself. After the pillar collides with the table gravity is balanced out but electrostatic potential increases as the orange portal falls. It either lifts the table or shatters.

OP I posted a variation of that on these threads a long while back and everyone who responded to me was too retarded to grasp what I was getting at.

Yeah you can get some weird shit with moving portals where it also seems like the seemingly hidden force is going to stop an object from being able to move solely due to the portal on it being unable to port matter anymore. Definitely a middle finger to hula hoop faggotry in any case.

To be honestly it's also a solid argument that a popular C answer (the cube get flattened) to the original argument. Since the idea that the pillar in your pic would get flattened as it's sent through the portal might seem more believable than floating portals or unbelievable large matter being lifted.

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if you assume portals have infinite mass, then the first outcome would happen. you know, as if a falling portal is equivalent to the entire universe falling with it

But it's like how a penis and a vagina works, user. A vagina is a portal. Your penis doesn't impale your woman's cervix just because it entered a portal, right?

Sorry, just meant that it should simply fall down to the position in the middle. If it fell onto a person, they would emerge headfirst from the other one.

i used to be an A fag and what turned me around is realizing that the portals are NOT hoops/holes, they only appear that way because light passes through them as well. They are a planar field that can apply force across the whole area of it.

This whole problem gets easier when you stop thinking about it as a hole (because it's not one). Imagine the portals as an opaque blue or orange oval and it gets easier.

Gravity isn't a force.

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Ask your mum.

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Resposting this.

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If you really think B, know that you are a moron

I fucking hate when this happens

He's not. He's right.

Bfags should stop saying they are Bfags when they are really anti-Afags. Which is too say most people picking B do so because it's easy to come up with a scenario that makes A impossible, like the point OP is making (if you don't understand that he's disapproving A rather than proposing B, you should just look for a xenoblade or persona thread instead.) So instead of accepting B, you should reject the dichotomy.

if it's heavy enough the the box will crush the pillar
otherwise it will push it out of the way
there is nothing physically stopping the portal from descending other than the surface it's attached to

What nonsense is this, you pseud? Which orifice did you get this from?

A buy still B in the original, difference being relative velocity between the portals

but there's also not enough force to crush the pillar or lift the box

>I don't entirely agree with B but it is the more realistic of the two
Is all your really need to say there. Unfortunately unless someone comes up with an option C that gains a lot of traction this is going to boil down to A vs B. As you say though the focus does tend to be on how A doesn't work. It's unfortunately inevitable since A tends to be the go to for way too many newfags in this discussion.

> hula hoop fags are coming
It's about the relative velocity of the two portals. If they move together (or even separately but at equal velocity vectors)it will work like a hoop. Hula hoop is literal strawman because it misrepresents the original problem which is two portals which, relative to each other, are not at rest. A hoop is two portals that are at rest relative to each other. A in which is an effective hoop, B in the one you retards always post.

What if someone were sitting on the blue portal, wouldn't that be funny HAHA!

I don't think they're newfags, actually. They're all really entrenched. Like they've been doing it for years and gave up on trying to understand what the other side is saying.

Depending on the speed of the falling portal and the weight of the cube it could be either

why? so you can look even more retarded?

I'm curious about B converts. Do you guys begin to notice how B tends to be the ones coming out with developed explanations, or how certain talking points get radio silence from A fags? And wonder whether the other side has a point?

Everything on that left side is shit said by an A fag.

If we assume the Portal forces the cylinder then if would either compress under the weight or lift the cube.

no the point he's making is that taking B side is the oldfag flaming. none of them actually believe it because A is correct. But it's funny to trigger a response from normal, logical people and tell them that their response is incorrect through the mental gymnastics B-ozos use every thread. The funniest part is people switch from A to B because they were made to feel wrong about an entirely hypothetical question with two possibly correct answers. These threads are bait, retards

Afags are delusional

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