> hula hoop fags are coming
It's about the relative velocity of the two portals. If they move together (or even separately but at equal velocity vectors)it will work like a hoop. Hula hoop is literal strawman because it misrepresents the original problem which is two portals which, relative to each other, are not at rest. A hoop is two portals that are at rest relative to each other. A in which is an effective hoop, B in the one you retards always post.
I have a question regarding this new portal scenario I came up with. as you can see...
What if someone were sitting on the blue portal, wouldn't that be funny HAHA!
I don't think they're newfags, actually. They're all really entrenched. Like they've been doing it for years and gave up on trying to understand what the other side is saying.
Depending on the speed of the falling portal and the weight of the cube it could be either
why? so you can look even more retarded?
I'm curious about B converts. Do you guys begin to notice how B tends to be the ones coming out with developed explanations, or how certain talking points get radio silence from A fags? And wonder whether the other side has a point?
Everything on that left side is shit said by an A fag.
If we assume the Portal forces the cylinder then if would either compress under the weight or lift the cube.
no the point he's making is that taking B side is the oldfag flaming. none of them actually believe it because A is correct. But it's funny to trigger a response from normal, logical people and tell them that their response is incorrect through the mental gymnastics B-ozos use every thread. The funniest part is people switch from A to B because they were made to feel wrong about an entirely hypothetical question with two possibly correct answers. These threads are bait, retards
Afags are delusional