What the fuck was Miyazaki thinking?

>unbelievable fuck tons of health
>terrible hitboxes on flames
>rolling is borderline useless despite the whole game being a big braindead rollfest
>have to run across the whole map to land one or two hits before the boss quickly moves to the other side

And he did exactly all of this again in Sekiro, with the Demon of Hatred. Why?

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Thats why sekiro is a good game.

You're just bad.

boop the snoot

If people can beat it solo without cheating, so can you. I agree that it's the hardest enemy in DS3

just pestilent mist that nigga

*casts pestilent mist*
heh nothin personell miqueer

>pestilent mercury
>arrows or crossbow

I beat this guy first try just by applying the lesson from Nameless King (hit the head, retard)
I know no one will believe that but still

Midir is my favorite fight in the entire series. It's amazing how easy he is and how fast you can kill him once you learn the fight, since he's such a nightmare the first time. I have made a save dedicated to never killing him, just so I can fight him over and over again.
My hobbies include joining people to fight him in their worlds and fucking with his AI to kill their other phantoms, then making the host solo him while he has 3 times the HP.

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