End this fucking meme about parrying being useless on Demon. You deflect all his non fire arm attacks and dodge the fire atacks.
What the fuck was Miyazaki thinking?
Adam Allen
Bentley Wright
Demon of hatred is from Sekiro.
Angel Turner
Ohhhhh I thought you were talking about the demon princes in dredge heap
Kayden Sullivan
I think part of the reason why I gave up the demon of hatred fight is because there's nothing tactile about it, like the other boss fights. You're just wacking at its leg and scrotum and it swings back and forth that's it. Don't feel llike I'm making any progress either in learning the fight.
I've only fought Inner Genichiro once and haven't fought INner Isshin but I'm pretty sure I can beat them after bruteforcing it, because those fights are more fun than a monster that tanks with its scrotum.