What the fuck was Miyazaki thinking?

>unbelievable fuck tons of health
>terrible hitboxes on flames
>rolling is borderline useless despite the whole game being a big braindead rollfest
>have to run across the whole map to land one or two hits before the boss quickly moves to the other side

And he did exactly all of this again in Sekiro, with the Demon of Hatred. Why?

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Thats why sekiro is a good game.

You're just bad.

boop the snoot

If people can beat it solo without cheating, so can you. I agree that it's the hardest enemy in DS3

just pestilent mist that nigga

*casts pestilent mist*
heh nothin personell miqueer

>pestilent mercury
>arrows or crossbow

I beat this guy first try just by applying the lesson from Nameless King (hit the head, retard)
I know no one will believe that but still

Midir is my favorite fight in the entire series. It's amazing how easy he is and how fast you can kill him once you learn the fight, since he's such a nightmare the first time. I have made a save dedicated to never killing him, just so I can fight him over and over again.
My hobbies include joining people to fight him in their worlds and fucking with his AI to kill their other phantoms, then making the host solo him while he has 3 times the HP.

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Or just use a high stability shield

>unbelievable fuck tons of health
it's a goddam dragon, wtf do you expect

>terrible hitboxes on flames
fire so hot you don't even have to touch it to take some damage. Plus, the hitboxes aren't even that bad

>rolling is borderline useless despite the whole game being a big braindead rollfest
you really though rolling would help you in a fight against a fucking dragon?

>have to run across the whole map to land one or two hits before the boss quickly moves to the other side
dragons can fly. if a dragon really wanted to, it could just stay up in the air hurling fire at you, but obviously since this is a videogame they had to find some sort of compromise

>unbelievable fuck tons of health
He has less health than the other bosses in the DLC

>Questionable design choices are actually good because LOL ITS A DRAGON RETARD
I actually like the Midir fight a lot, but holy shit this reply is dumb

>since he's such a nightmare the first time. I have made a save dedicated to never killing him, just so I can fight him over and over again.

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But he's right, those are all things that suit a godzilla fight.

I'm not certain of the meaning of your image, friend, but I get the feeling that it's not far from the truth.
>Midir starts as scenery, the becomes an area hazard on the bridge, then becomes a miniboss, then becomes a full boss
>has the best arena in the game
>that fucking finishing blow if you have only hit his head, taking out 20% of his HP
I don't just love the fight, I am sexually attracted to it.

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Did they make magic fun yet like in DSII or are 95% of good spells locked behind endgame

Git gud scrub

but the entire point of was that those aren't questionable design choices?

dark souls criticizers always point out that every boss is just big guy with a sword and that they all play similar, and then midir comes along and forces the player to rethink their strategy and how they play and suddenly it's all questionable design choices? nigga what?

Whenever it spit fire, I literally just stay under him with havels shield and never get damaged by it

For me, it's Gael. Despite the boss being a shameless recycling of ideas.

>rolling is borderline useless
>the whole game being a big braindead rollfest
so what the fuck do you want then? another braindead rollfest boss or a boss where roll spamming isn't actually a reliable strategy?

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I love Gael but is he a simp?
He literally went to the end of the world to retrieve a almost nonexistent thing for his loli, and died for it!
If that ain’t a simp then idk what is

Quite literally just run either away from him or to the right of him, depending on the move he's using

you know magic is shit when you use ghsa the entire game

Well, exactly.
It's strange coming from DSII because they actually bothered implementing some sort of variety there as opposed to just magic missile variations spam.
Though from what I hear now you just spam the damage cloud tier spell instead

Have you tried gitting gud and learning the fight instead of trying to unga a goddamn ArchDragon OP?

he gets a pass, nobody but the dude simping for Friede can resist simping for Priscilla's loli daughter

Simps is basically just another term for white knights. Gael goes through everything he does in order to create a new world with the painting.

>That one spergout attack where Midir trash around
>You can just backstep and leaves you in position for a heavy attack right to the head

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i just gave up on the demon of hatred, super frustrating. soldiered through owl father and sword saint isshin and all other bosses but that demon fight is NO FUN

demon of hatred was the first time I've been genuinely angry in a soulborne game since my first time in blighttown

How? Literally have Gael npc sponge one of em while you do work on the other
Not that hard

He always kills me in one hit, it's the only boss I never killed

PPL have beaten in solo at SL1 with no armor or rings on.

don't compare that mess that was the demon of hatred with this boss


He was frustrating for me because learning that parrying was useless and dodging was only useable on some attacks after the whole game had ingrained the opposite was annoying. Once I learned that you just run around him, attack and repeat he wasn't too bad.
Also because he's so dangerous if you let him get away from you but whether or not he leaves your side is up to him. Also dealing with him when he hugs a wall blows

End this fucking meme about parrying being useless on Demon. You deflect all his non fire arm attacks and dodge the fire atacks.

Demon of hatred is from Sekiro.

Ohhhhh I thought you were talking about the demon princes in dredge heap

I think part of the reason why I gave up the demon of hatred fight is because there's nothing tactile about it, like the other boss fights. You're just wacking at its leg and scrotum and it swings back and forth that's it. Don't feel llike I'm making any progress either in learning the fight.
I've only fought Inner Genichiro once and haven't fought INner Isshin but I'm pretty sure I can beat them after bruteforcing it, because those fights are more fun than a monster that tanks with its scrotum.