Never get hollow knight cause not really into metroidvania type games

>never get hollow knight cause not really into metroidvania type games
>keep seeing it praised on Zig Forums
>get it during sale
>its really fun
thanks Zig Forums :))

Attached: HK.jpg (1214x933, 671.99K)

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Glad you like it user. Play Ori too

NP. Ignore this retard
Ori is garbage.

glad you like user
follow s advice, ori is pretty good. The only bad part is early game button mashing but it ends once you get bash

I didnt like Ori very much, doesnt feel like a metroidvania game, feels too linear. I would call it a platformer really

Ori 1 is definitely not a metroidvania. Zoom zooms call any platform metroidvania these days. But its a good sidescroller i guess.
Ori 2 is more debatable. It certainly is more metroidvania-ey than quite a lot of self proclaimed metroidvanias.

Great game, ori is pretty good too, I liked will of the wisps more than blind forest, but blind forest is worth a playthrough

I blacklisted HK due to its fanbase; it gives me bad vibes about the game itself.

Same with the Trails series.

I don't blame you, but the game itself is good, even if the fans suck.

>letting one schizo falseflagger on Zig Forums and a bunch of kids having fun stop you from buying a game
Pretty dumb choice, user.
Give it a try, its pretty great. The game itself is as far as it's demographic as it can get.