Never get hollow knight cause not really into metroidvania type games

>never get hollow knight cause not really into metroidvania type games
>keep seeing it praised on Zig Forums
>get it during sale
>its really fun
thanks Zig Forums :))

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Other urls found in this thread:

Glad you like it user. Play Ori too

NP. Ignore this retard
Ori is garbage.

glad you like user
follow s advice, ori is pretty good. The only bad part is early game button mashing but it ends once you get bash

I didnt like Ori very much, doesnt feel like a metroidvania game, feels too linear. I would call it a platformer really

Ori 1 is definitely not a metroidvania. Zoom zooms call any platform metroidvania these days. But its a good sidescroller i guess.
Ori 2 is more debatable. It certainly is more metroidvania-ey than quite a lot of self proclaimed metroidvanias.

Great game, ori is pretty good too, I liked will of the wisps more than blind forest, but blind forest is worth a playthrough

I blacklisted HK due to its fanbase; it gives me bad vibes about the game itself.

Same with the Trails series.

I don't blame you, but the game itself is good, even if the fans suck.

>letting one schizo falseflagger on Zig Forums and a bunch of kids having fun stop you from buying a game
Pretty dumb choice, user.
Give it a try, its pretty great. The game itself is as far as it's demographic as it can get.

Based, there is nothing more redpilled that not forming your own opinions and let the rest dictate what you do

>its really fun
No, it's not, it's boring as fuck

>play ori
>play hollow knight
>love both games
>preorder ori 2 because its the only game worth preordering in the last 5 years
>preorder silksong because its the only game worth preordering in the last (release date minus 2020) years

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what do you find fun then?

saying hk is unfun on Zig Forums

>the fans suck.
That's exactly my point. Fans of moe anime or Rick and Morty are horrible people that are attracted to said works because they're horrible in a way they cater to them. Hollow Knight gives me the same impression.

I doubt it's just a falseflagger because it's a lot of people on many places, but just Zig Forums.


inextricably based

Tell me what you dislike about HK fans and i will compare it to the game to help change your mind user

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or maybe things can have a broad appeal and attract both good and bad people?

>ywn get a game with Ori movement and Hollow Knight level design
it hurts to live

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here's literally a whole thread of people talking about their favorite games having bad fanbases

extremely based

It Is a really good game with shit load of content, but it tends to waste your time like mad. Gorrillion miles of backtracking and traversal, uneven fast travel stations and bonfires, initial cripple tier movement. I also fucking raged at some bosses. Sure, git gud. But some of the are annoying as fuck with astonishingly large HP pool.

>Shazam poster
Not even going to bother; you and your buddies are insane.

Well, guess what? This one seems to attract only the bad.
Given how "Evil acts attract evil men", there is only one conclusion to make..

I haven't seen a single decent, mentally stable person that is a fan of Hollow Knight or Ori.

Metroidvania has become a meaningless term thanks to a horde of underages since 2016.
Platformers that have movement-based progression are NOT metroidvanias.
Both Hollow Knight and Ori are Metroid-likes, platormers that have movement-based progression without RPG elements and equipment systems (inb4 some retard says that charms are equipment).
The only true high-profile metroidvania is Bloodstained: ROTN.

You should kill yourself then.

>get to mantis lords
>press the button
>Ghost strikes an aggressive power stance and flings his sword in their faces
Who taught this little guy how to be cocky as fuck? That's a lot of sass for an emotionless shell of a bug.

>Zig Forums
>decent, mentally stable
pick one

Hollow knight Is good. But ori Is great. The movement + level design in those games Is buttery smooth.

The fast travel positions are really good and theres not much backtracking. Maps are super interconnected, you can almost always find a way around.
I have never seen a decent, mentally stable person that likes to either bitch or falseflag about games on Zig Forums 24/7

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Well, he DID get yeeted back into the Void for failing to be truly empty

I dislike metroidvania games.
Backtracking? No thanks.
But this game’s bosses, music, gameplay, and overall world is pure SOUL

and when you take into account that this is the first game done by 3 guys, that's pretty decent. it's by no means perfect, but I think it stands out because of how high they aimed with it

All games are great. Ori 1 is my favorite game and i'd argue HK is overall a better game that people are more likely to enjoy, but i personally find Ori so much fucking fun.

The first game's soundtrack is the best i've ever heard. Maybe tied with MGRR. Super comfy shit.

He did spend some time in the wastelands before the events of hollowknight. Probably met a bunch of retards on the way.

Unfathomably based

>falseflag about games on Zig Forums 24/7
You're making a lot of assumptions. As expected of someone whose entire fanbase consists of mentally ill people.

this ending was fucking kino

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You can't preorder silksong yet dumbass

Stop browsing Zig Forums

when's silksong coming out?

I see a lot of people here cry about how horrible and insufferable and evil the Hollow Knight fanbase is, but I've yet to see any specifics besides "it's bad" over and over again

I am going to preorder silksong, user. Thats what i mean

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February 31th, 2021


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>hollow knight thread gets flooded with people trying to start a fanbase war with Ori
Why is it always like this? Why are you guys so obsessed?

He Is a psyho an a meta protag. He knows he has infinite tries with gigganiggas due to his soul and loot waiting for him if shit turns sour.

You know that I hate? Then HK has benches miles apart everyone is cool with it because "muh challenge" but when Blasphemous gives you 5 teleport gates spaced evenly across game map everyone rages because "NOOOO I CANNOOT TELEPORT TO CHECKPOINT FAKE DIFFICULTY DEVS FIX THIS NOW I CANNOT PLATFORM TO SAVE MY LIFE". So they are forced to revork checkpoints to give shitters teleport in the free DLC.

1. this rarely ever happens dumbass
2. literally no one is placing ori against HK in here
if anything both of them are shitting on the contrarians winning about muh bad fanbase

News is coming out, really soon. Probably on the 10th or 13th. But the marketing guy said it isn’t the release.
I expect the second final trailer to drop early 2021

>retards really let other people decide will they try the game or not
lol. who cares about fanbases, you are here for the game first

>he does it again with the fucking radiance

You're a fan of both games. You are extremely defensive, jump for assumtions and strawmen which just shows how irrationaly upset you are over your generic indie shovelware being insulted spam garbage-tier newfag memes. Didn't need to go any further than this thread for a perfect example of how the fanbase is swarmed by faggots who can barely be considered human.

Because these games are arguably one of the greatest in past decade. And the fanboys are militant

both of their fanbases suck, they're on par with soulsfags
both love to just infodump the entire plot the minute you show interest in it
jesus christ let people breathe and get into it first

>enjoyed ori 2, hk, and rain world
>eagerly waiting for silksong
It feels good being a white character with black eyes chad.

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another falseflagging thread

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Because there's some furfag autist who has been trying to viral Ori hard for months now and he uses the tenuous "metroidvania" connection to inject his shilling into HK threads too.
Just wait for him to start gushing about how amazing the combat in WotW is as he posts his stale "oh so cinematic" webm.


>Play Ori too
hahaha no


orifags never EVER stop
