I guess you could say

This casting choice is pretty solid

Attached: oscar-isaac-solid-snake.jpg (1024x645, 175.14K)


Eh, I can't think of a better option, but shouldn't he have more chiseled features? Isaac looks to friendly.

out of all the big names they could've attached, this was a decent outcome.
though I would've liked to have seen Karl Urban, he can do a good gravelly voice.

Snake should have a more positive canthal tilt honestly, Isaac is neutral/negative, but Snake's combat art is more angular

Attached: EoaZoHgW4AMZpeJ.jpg (750x461, 34.67K)

I mean, he is smiling in the picture. He's played threatening roles before and was pretty good, I think it's a good choice honestly.

He’s a manlet though. Isn’t Snake like 6’3”?

Alright, this looks okay

welp, guess it's time to GEAR up.