This casting choice is pretty solid
I guess you could say
Eh, I can't think of a better option, but shouldn't he have more chiseled features? Isaac looks to friendly.
out of all the big names they could've attached, this was a decent outcome.
though I would've liked to have seen Karl Urban, he can do a good gravelly voice.
Snake should have a more positive canthal tilt honestly, Isaac is neutral/negative, but Snake's combat art is more angular
I mean, he is smiling in the picture. He's played threatening roles before and was pretty good, I think it's a good choice honestly.
He’s a manlet though. Isn’t Snake like 6’3”?
Alright, this looks okay
welp, guess it's time to GEAR up.
Absolutely laughable, doesn't work at all. Just like with that middle eastern looking midget they got to play the Punisher in the series.
>Snake now eats taco and refried bean rations to sustain life
He is honestly a good guy for the job. One of the only good "Big" actors left. He is one of the solid choices I think for the job. He has the willpower to do it right I think.
snakes small
society is collapsing
This looks pretty good. Could be a lot worse, I hope he does a good job in what will most likely be a bad film.
beats caloriemate.
Other than being a manlet, I don't have much beef with this choice. And being a manlet didn't stop the cyber pope
Who better to infiltrate secret bases than someone who slipped past the American border without getting caught.
Damn, Isaacs is only 5’9” though.
how the fuck does Jon Bernthal look like a "middle eastern midget" to you?
>blue eyes
>played by a mexican
I see your point.
Is he too old for the role? Should he be BB?
he can be solidus.
if Hollywood can make Tom Cruise look like he's not a munchkin, you will 100% not be able to tell the difference of 4 inches in this movie.
he looks like your average american
Nah, the kikes are simply replacing you while you sit in your basement and cry about it while jerking it to traps
This is perfect for me as a Latino. I always wanted Eric Bana to play Solid Snake since I was 17. I'm 36 now. But this is just... wow. I'm so happy.
The Mexican sniper dude from Ghost in the Shell was casted as a black man. I felt so bad that Hollywood would be disrespectful like this but now... I'm just glad we got one! I loved Oscar in X-Men. I can't believe some people wanted Apocalypse to be played by a negro. What do negros have to do with Egypt? They were just slaves.
Anyway come at me. I'm so happy.
You have to remember that Snake is part Native American. His mother is supposed to be Japanese. I hope he pulls off the Asian side. I don't know how he's going to do it but that's why I'm not an actor.
Unfortunately yes, he hasn't aged too well.
Not old enough
Fuark that hairline
Yes, yes, yes! I'm luving this! Sangria for everyone!
Robert Patrick also aged like milk. Terminator roles are cursed
oh no white people are extiiinct nooooo
How? I have eyes. Granted he may not be a midget (in the series he looked short) but he is undeniably middle eastern looking, he's ethnicity should tell you everything.
so what is this, a fucking shitty metal gear solid movie that will no doubt tie into a shitty metal gear solid remake?