>release the musou spin-off "sequel" first on PC >make it overpriced too >people don't buy it >it doesn't sell half a million like P4G did >Welp. I guess PCfags don't actually want P5R. Don't need to port it now
It's not even officially announced yet, calm down.
Brayden Wood
Both are shit games. P3 however...
Easton Ramirez
Oh that's cool. At least now I can play with all settings turned up and at a good framerate.
Dominic Turner
but i am a pcchad, i get all games
Jayden Torres
There are already leaks confirming P3 coming to Steam. No one gives a fuck.
Adam Ortiz
hot take: what is wrong with all the people asking for p5 to get ported to pc and switch on twitter? aside from the obvious dumbassery like not playing the game or not playing the other games or smt, how else are people supposed to express an interest in a company to adapt their product to a business model that people want to fulfill?
having scramble on pc and switch while p5 isnt likewise makes no sense because it's the canon sequel to p5 why wouldnt you port the first game FIRST?
Jonathan Brooks
Sure there are
Benjamin Perez
reading too much into it
P5R is clearly just a 1-year PS exclusive. we've still got a bit until it's out of that period.