Release the musou spin-off "sequel" first on PC

>release the musou spin-off "sequel" first on PC
>make it overpriced too
>people don't buy it
>it doesn't sell half a million like P4G did
>Welp. I guess PCfags don't actually want P5R. Don't need to port it now


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good, get fucked

It's not even officially announced yet, calm down.

Both are shit games.
P3 however...

Oh that's cool. At least now I can play with all settings turned up and at a good framerate.

but i am a pcchad, i get all games

There are already leaks confirming P3 coming to Steam. No one gives a fuck.

hot take: what is wrong with all the people asking for p5 to get ported to pc and switch on twitter? aside from the obvious dumbassery like not playing the game or not playing the other games or smt, how else are people supposed to express an interest in a company to adapt their product to a business model that people want to fulfill?

having scramble on pc and switch while p5 isnt likewise makes no sense because it's the canon sequel to p5
why wouldnt you port the first game FIRST?

Sure there are

reading too much into it

P5R is clearly just a 1-year PS exclusive. we've still got a bit until it's out of that period.

Because they don't play games. They just want to feel included. Only monster hunter fags actually put up numbers with sales on PC.

Atlus makes terrible business decisions and this is no different.

1.) Atlus is stupid and operates under boomer Jap CEO logic
2.) Anything that becomes remotely mainstream attracts the worst kind of individuals. Twitter is a cesspit for these so dont be surprised if you see more idiots and stupid opinions.

Both P4G and P3P were both leaked at the same time.

>People want pc releases.

>Sell most popular game to test the waters.

>succeed and release all future games on pc moving forward then past games after

How do you guys not see this their still gonna port Royal this was just the first game after the success with pc they were going to release

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I'm sure

Still nothing about P3P you fuckwad. I got something for you. You better screencap this too. P3 Remake is going to be announced for their 25th anniversary. In addition, a bundle.

I just noticed they changed the S from Scramble to Strikers. Why?

Anyway, omega force has been doing pretty well with these licensed games. Zelda age of calamity is like one of their best selling titles of all time. Maybe people will have a better view on the musou genre.

The game has always been titled Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers

Oh they just shortened the title for dumb americans.

>release scramble on switch without porting 5
>port scramble to PC and not 5, when you can easily emulate 5

or it's just easier to say, mr.obsessed

Royal's gonna be ported to everywhere except Xbox anyways.

Zig Forums is not a single person you fucktard, as you can see most pcfags didn't even know that the same thing happened to the switch, stop ptojecting your bickering with the snoys over us.

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>all the nude mods when it comes out

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if you were actually interested at all in persona you would know that scramble was on switch. there were a shit ton of threads about it.

well joker was in smash before this was announced basically free publicity like all the smash dlc was plus having persona portable is a plus

and again is retarded having a sequel with a different genre

I honestly don't care about the steam port but I'm ready for Persona 5 strikers on my switch (even though I bought the game back in February in Japanese, I could play that while I wait)

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>if you
I already knew that fucktard, I wasn't talking about me, learn to read. And, no, the fact that other people aren't as interested or as informed as me doesn't trigger me, thankfully I'm not that autistic.

Is the story at least separate from P5R? I've already threw my PS4 into the attic, so I'm waiting until Steam gets it before I play it

Don't buy scramble/strikers.. It's very very bad