>Will be hated by the right for pandering to leftshit >will be hated by the left because you can never please them >will be hated by gamers because of rampant bugs and failure to live up to the hype >will be hated by cyperpunk 2020 purists because of its failure to recreate the tabletop game setting and gameplay
I unironically think it's based. It's supposed to be a dyspotic representation of the future where everything went wrong and life is hell on earth. There's faggots, mega corporations and trannies, I mean it's accurate, I think it's based.
Robert Gutierrez
Target audience? Basically every human who is smart enough to not care for online Twitter politics. You really think a normie who purchase tolu 2 or cyberpunk thinks of some moral consequences. You really think they care if some worthless internet tranny feelings got hurt ?
Me. It sounds like the game is pretty solid, with the standard buggy release, and the Twitter trannies are just mad because the game isn't ABOUT being a tranny and if it were, they'd say it should be made by a tranny. And it if was made by a tranny, they'd find a reason to call that tranny "problematic".
Other than shitty acting from Keanu, I think I'm still onboard