>Will be hated by the right for pandering to leftshit >will be hated by the left because you can never please them >will be hated by gamers because of rampant bugs and failure to live up to the hype >will be hated by cyperpunk 2020 purists because of its failure to recreate the tabletop game setting and gameplay
I unironically think it's based. It's supposed to be a dyspotic representation of the future where everything went wrong and life is hell on earth. There's faggots, mega corporations and trannies, I mean it's accurate, I think it's based.
Robert Gutierrez
Target audience? Basically every human who is smart enough to not care for online Twitter politics. You really think a normie who purchase tolu 2 or cyberpunk thinks of some moral consequences. You really think they care if some worthless internet tranny feelings got hurt ?
Me. It sounds like the game is pretty solid, with the standard buggy release, and the Twitter trannies are just mad because the game isn't ABOUT being a tranny and if it were, they'd say it should be made by a tranny. And it if was made by a tranny, they'd find a reason to call that tranny "problematic".
Other than shitty acting from Keanu, I think I'm still onboard
Liam Walker
>What is the target audience here?? Reddit. It has a bunch of normie pop culture and twitch streamer references that will guarantee the game sells at the expense of CDPR's dignity.
Aaron Miller
nobody will give shit about the poltical drama faggot Zig Forums and resetera are irelavant
imagine that there is world outside usa where people do not give shit
Nathaniel Clark
>>Will be hated by the right for pandering to leftshit Incels on Zig Forums? >>will be hated by the left because you can never please them A tiny minority of mentally ill people on Twitter, faggot. >>will be hated by gamers because of rampant bugs and failure to live up to the hype So again, mostly Zig Forums. Nobody else really gives a shit.
>only Zig Forums hates bugs Are you actually retarded or just pretending?
Gavin Ortiz
Projekt Red is just sooo based >be me >34yr old tranny living in my parents basement >finally play empowering Cyberpunk 2077 >this changes everything! >r/esist! >I can finally romance a trannybotter >Cyberpunk 2077 will accept me as the women I am >my life has purpose! >seizure lights start >die >parents find me 12 hours later >bottle of lube in my hand >battery powered dragon dildo in my rectum >pink haired trannybotter with 29inch horsecock still penetrating the inside of my computer screen shouting >"the future is now transcum!"
I don't see anyone shitting and pissing themselves over this game except on here.
Ryan Torres
this will legit be the most popular game of all time target audience is literally everyone
Aiden Hernandez
>What is the target audience here?? People who aren't mentally ill and who actually play and enjoy video games instead of throwing endless shitfits about obscure political issues on the internet
>will be hated by gamers because of rampant bugs and failure to live up to the hype
Cant believe how much people hate fallout new vegas and oblivion. Almost universally hated amongst gamers.
Noah Ward
Grayson Gutierrez
Normal people who don't give a fuck what a bunch of faggots scream at each other about in Twitter threads?
Ethan Phillips
Completely accurate post, the only people mad at this game are twitter trannies and polfags, and they're both essentially screeching because you can slap a dick on a female character in game I used to laugh at "have sex, incel" but as time goes on I realise that it's legitimately a completely fair thing to say to most internet drama
because they dont know but on release they are going to be
Andrew Parker
Guys please don’t think the day 1 patch will be a miracle. I mean the game could come out and be a bug-less masterpiece so who knows but reviewers are saying pretty much the only negative is the bugs, which there seems to be a lot of. In fact I want to be wrong but I doubt I will be in this case I see many comments saying “Day 1 patch will fix most things” and although I live the optimism, I doubt it’ll fix the copious amount of bugs detailed I’m still expecting many bugs and playing on the Xbone one, there will be spade fulls of it and that’s fine I guess. Just don’t hype yourself thinking it will be flawless, we all want it to be but CDPR has been very cautious about reviewers own footage and that speaks volumes I’m super, super hyped and my friends honestly have wanted me to shut up about it for the past 6 months so I’m as excited as you guys, it’s just I also want to be realistic
Anthony Green
people who aren't terminally obsessed with partisan politics too bad they took so long to release the game that that demographic has all but ceased to exist
Seems like CDPR sold out to the western corporations, since this is what they do. A lot of the work has been outsourced, the goals and standards have fallen compared to Witcher 3. A highly commercial game trying to please everyone will, ironically, fail at pleasing anyone.
Andrew Russell
It's genuinely amazing to me how we're at the point where rightoids are now mentally ill twitter screechers in exactly the same way leftists were 5 years ago
Isaac Turner
>cdpr playing 4d chess by baiting russians into making mod tools with tranny nonsense