Holy shit. The amount of copium being swallowed by people on Twitter and Reddit is out of control.
>The team that put a special thank you to the player in the credits
Wow! Nobody does that!
It's our fault the game is bad, user... Can't you see how hard they tried?!
Holy shit, he's right. I'm going back to r*ddit.
>implying any faggot cp2077 fan is going to fly to Poland to murder developers
What a lame-ass excuse.
Sending a death threat to a developer because of a delay is still pretty cringe. Even if you don't mean it.
This feels reddit but he still has a point even if he's sucking off a company in stating it
Game obviously needed to be delayed further but shareholders and players wouldn't accept that, especially after all the other delays and shit
I haven't seen a single death threat
But the developers said it happened! It must be true!
Shitty toxic fans don’t push companies to release games early. Financial goals and deadlines push games out early.