
Holy shit. The amount of copium being swallowed by people on Twitter and Reddit is out of control.

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>The team that put a special thank you to the player in the credits
Wow! Nobody does that!

It's our fault the game is bad, user... Can't you see how hard they tried?!

Holy shit, he's right. I'm going back to r*ddit.

>implying any faggot cp2077 fan is going to fly to Poland to murder developers
What a lame-ass excuse.

Sending a death threat to a developer because of a delay is still pretty cringe. Even if you don't mean it.

This feels reddit but he still has a point even if he's sucking off a company in stating it

Game obviously needed to be delayed further but shareholders and players wouldn't accept that, especially after all the other delays and shit

I haven't seen a single death threat

But the developers said it happened! It must be true!

Shitty toxic fans don’t push companies to release games early. Financial goals and deadlines push games out early.

I feel like there's always death threats but people blow them way out of proportion, Twitter is a shithole, you can't take anything there seriously

They needed to get the game out before Christmas, that's the reason it's so unfinished

I mean the game isn’t bad, it’s solid if you have a PC, I mean console poors have a rough time but who fucking cares about poor people anyway?

I'm a poor person, user ;(

care to post a screencap of these death threats?

This is what happens when you decide something is a masterpiece before you've even seen the actual game, let alone played it.

You get what you fucking deserve.

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Fucking please.. Some company is going to release an unfinished game and risk sabotaging their own reputation on the count of some fags who dish out death threats?

Is CDPR run by adults? Big boy grown men?
Justifying your decisions with "people on the internet (who didn't have the information I have about how shit it is) told me to!!!!" is pathetic.

There's no point in delaying something which isn't in proper development. This game's dev cycle was just fucking around with random shit for six years and then cobbling something together out of the pile of random half-finished assets and mechanics at the last minute because they were given a truly final deadline. This is FFXV if there was no vision to start with.

I'm gonna find out where you live and kill you faggot.

well if they said it wasnt read i guess that makes it okay
oh wait, they are the ones who decided to release it unfinished

Well you see, turned out someone's selling CP on consoles.

Try it bitch, you stand no chance against this overweight alcoholic right here.

The ammount of damage control going on here and on Twitter is fucking ridiculous. TLoU2 tier.

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There are, but they're FROM the people making the claims of death threats.

Last year during the run up to Pokémon was a perfect example.

There was one retard (supposedly from /vp/, though I never saw the original thread myself and no one ever linked it, nor could I find it) who accused Masuda of rape - which is definitely a shit thing to do but not a death threat, but time after time you saw the idiots defending them say we sent them death threats while saying we should die, trying to cause seizures with imagery in their posts responding to it etc.

When someone is acting in a violently aggressive manner about something they are ALWAYS projecting when claiming the other side is doing it.

So yes, I had death threats - actual death threats - towards me for demanding better of Game Freak for EVERYONE but the worst they got was us wishing they would fuck off and die which is not a death threat.

I dunno man, there are some crazy people out there who have gotten wild hairs up their asses and pulled shit like that.

No, the publisher is the one who decided to release it unfinished. The devs have nothing to do with that decision

Oh wow, this changes EVERYTHING!!!!

Thank you for thanking US CDPR!!!

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Guys, it's our fault they spent 7+ years making a shitty shambles of a game. We could all do better.

Suck my dick you dumb kike polacks.

So what is the actual problem with the game? Just bugs?

Maybe they shouldn't have announced a date in the first place.

It's extremely buggy and overall just not as exciting or grandiose as people thought it would be. It's an average shooter game with some tacked on gadgets and hilariously bad driving missions