Should Sonic games stay 2D or actually make an attempt at making good 3D games?

Should Sonic games stay 2D or actually make an attempt at making good 3D games?

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>small naked woodland critters
Thats what I like.

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Preferably a healthy mix of both. Hopefully they will release more 3D Generations or Colors type games along side 2D Mania type games with the occasional sonic team racing type spin off thrown in.

Sonic is already a chimera. Sega should keep trying new shit and keep the music good. Even Forces had good ideas. Avatar stages were great

Kids back in the day really didn't have a chance to avoid being furries, did they
Why does wearing a swimsuit when they're already featureless look even better

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3d games are more interesting to me. every new 3d sonic seems like a new experience. whether it's in a good way or not. still usually have fun.

Remember when the 2D games tried new things?

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>all three of these characters were voiced by the same woman
>all of them appeared in the 90's
>all of them were an awakening for kids and adults the world over

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Literally all of the 2D games tried new things. Chaotix was the first one that didn't really work.

>first one that didn't really work

Wait really? I remembered really enjoying that one.