Should Sonic games stay 2D or actually make an attempt at making good 3D games?

Should Sonic games stay 2D or actually make an attempt at making good 3D games?

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>small naked woodland critters
Thats what I like.

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Preferably a healthy mix of both. Hopefully they will release more 3D Generations or Colors type games along side 2D Mania type games with the occasional sonic team racing type spin off thrown in.

Sonic is already a chimera. Sega should keep trying new shit and keep the music good. Even Forces had good ideas. Avatar stages were great

Kids back in the day really didn't have a chance to avoid being furries, did they
Why does wearing a swimsuit when they're already featureless look even better

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3d games are more interesting to me. every new 3d sonic seems like a new experience. whether it's in a good way or not. still usually have fun.

Remember when the 2D games tried new things?

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>all three of these characters were voiced by the same woman
>all of them appeared in the 90's
>all of them were an awakening for kids and adults the world over

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Literally all of the 2D games tried new things. Chaotix was the first one that didn't really work.

>first one that didn't really work

Wait really? I remembered really enjoying that one.

Guptill is that you?

Sonic can have good games in 2D or 3D, but Sega is so hilariously incompetent that they got shown up by a glorified rom hack.

to be honest no. never had old sega console and didn't know anyone who had one. so i just don't have any nostalgia for that stuff.
cousin for some reason had dreamcast and played sonic adventure there few times so might be partly the reason why i prefer the 3d games.

They can and should do both, without feeling the need to forcibly combine the two in the one game.

Sonic Team is a bunch of bozos who can't make a good 2D or 3D game

You know, I never actually made the connection there between Sally and Lola. Interesting.

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It has to go 3D. People don't really care about 2D games, 3D is necessaryt to keep it in the mind of people and to bring hype. Only 3D games can be big events in the gaming community.

You aren't remembering correctly.

It doesn't matter, but whichever they do, they need to pick a formula and stick with it for a game or two at least.

And yet I think that they are shit. Video games have superior high quality anthro girls. I hate western cartoon shit. Shitty art styles and in general I just loathe how they are designed for cartoons.

Also FUCK the freaks who like talking animals like Little Pony, Nala, and Vixey. I like anthro so get the hell out with your Talking Animal shit.

Is this the new anthro girl? The last one got sent to trash.

If they want to stay safe then stick to 2D but add more to the formula and give us more zones

2D Sonics are fun as fuck, but they're way too short to make an entire series and remain popular. Sega knows this, so they're going to continue making 3D Sonics. I think that they should make both, like they did with Heroes/Advanced, Shadow/Rush, etc.

They could obviously get away with doing both provided it's the right developer and Sega stands way back. Sega has a history of making bad decisions that impacts their developers though so I'm not expecting much. They'll probably get Sonic Mania 2 to be developed by DIMPS.

It's alright but the vertical levels get old fast
And I don't know why the fuck Sega thought 5 acts was a good amount

Even without the ring tether mechanic the game just wasn't that fun or well thought out. Whole thing seemed like an experiment that got the greenlight before they fleshed anything substantial out.

Chaotix was still fun

For me? Its long hair sally. To bad she's stuck in the worse era of the comic.

has there ever been a more cursed character?

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So in other words you just want 2D games

2D Sonic games are fine as long as they don't have ugly midget classicpedo sonic in them, but 2D games barely even qualify as games desu
it should be illegal to sell a 2D game as a full game after the year 2000

>posting sally
>posting archie sally
OP is a confirmed satam furry

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why was/is the animation industry over run with furries

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