Works out of the box in linux and modern hardware.
Joshua Scott
regular mw works fine on my machine, so...
Tyler Gray
Milking donations
Owen Morgan
A lot more stable, a lot of options to customize natively, and in theory mods for it could do A LOT more and do those things a lot better and more efficiently and with less of a performance hit than mods for vanilla could. Also, you could go crazy modding it without getting 20-30fps in cities.
Easton James
Vanilla Morrowind also work in modern hardware.
Jaxson Howard
Congratulations, now fuck off. Not everything is cetered around you.
Gavin Jackson
They had to meet demands from script extender whiners, which has obviously hampered it a bit. Its a FOSS project, most of the features are from people who do it in their spare time because they want it in, this leads to a lot of pull in directions, but the results are there.
William Reyes
I wasn't aware they were receiving anything close to substantial donations. This started before the age of patreon shit.
Jason Powell
>most of the features are from people who do it in their spare time because they want it in I understand this, but how the fuck did they spend the same amount of time getting the game from 0% to 95% as they have in the last 5% of the game? The game has been for the most part playable from start to finish for fucking years and somehow still not done.
Josiah Nguyen
Reminder OpenMW now supports VR for Morrowind
Blake Reyes
>works on my machine :") Thank you for your input
David Parker
the same as regular morrowind nostalgia nad contrarianism
Literally the only interest I had in OpenMW was the potential for animation/combat mods and multiplayer. We got multiplayer so I'm sated for a while.
Jose Garcia
Literally no one says this. Here you in a thread you don't like about a game you don't like wasting away your life judging people for things no one said because you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time. Think about that for a minute. Maybe you should go play video games so you can pretend to have an audience there.
Aaron Bell
>>bigger modding potential who the fuck would want to make mods for that?
>nobody says morrowind is a great rpg morrowindfags have been saying this for years but now you want to backpeddle and claim that all the circlejerk threads were about discussing how bad the game is? rest of the post is just a personal attack
Easton Gonzalez
Also when OpenMW still had hype behind it while they were proceeding at a reasonable pace, hundreds of mods were still coming out every month. Not sure about figures now but even now people do still make mods for Morrowind.
Jeremiah Martin
Because people use linux and they want to play the game they like. I can install OpenMW with one comand
Lucas Jenkins
see don't bother it's shit
Isaiah Robinson
Nice greentext. Not even going to read your post until you man up and argue against something that I actually said. You claimed everyone says Morrowind is "Peak RPG design" which is not even remotely what you're arguing against here.
Bentley Green
>who the fuck would want to make mods for that? Over a thousand people who already have done so.
Also, multiplayer (released) and VR (being implemented).
Juan Reed
then go play it or fuck off smart ass. you arent shit
Brayden Reyes
>The one time I want to download a mod the fucking nexus is down
>I can do x on the command line do you people hate using mice? Don't like UIs? I still don't understand.
Liam Wood
>that I actually said you haven't said anything yet. but that's beause you were cought ahead of time
Ayden Powell
I think it's because OpenMW is mostly done and updates have to consist mostly of tweaks and bugfixes, which aren't as fun/engaging to code. Plus, a lot of the modders will treat it as "done" and move on to other projects.
Multiplayer is still pretty WIP, but at least it's functional now. I think it was last updated in 2019.
OpenMW allows for some really ambitious mods. There's a mod that implements multiplayer for MW, TES3MP, that works solely because of OpenMW.
>Muh personal attacks user, each of your claims have been thoroughly refuted over the 2 years you have been posting. Personal attacks are all that remain, since they might stand a chance of getting into your thick skull.
Ethan Cook
>open terminal >write sudo apt install openmw or >go to the website >download executable >run executable >go through install proces Its faster and easier. Also this is comparision between openmw vs openmw. Installing vanila is kinda pain due to glorius bethesda engine
Nolan Gomez
i'm sure if you repeat that every time you will trick some newfag into blindly following your word. but that's all you're good for. go ahead, defend say that it's a good fucking quest design or that "oh no there's three options actually you can kill him in the middle of a crowded bar!!"
Hudson Barnes
It's coming along slowly. They lost a lot of progress when they had to switch renderers, like losing shadows. Most recently they have reimplemented shadows and distant land in the new renderer, implemented dynamic LOD generation via a rudimentary object paging system, and are now working on grass. In 0.47 now the game dynamically builds LOD on the fly as you move around the map, no need to regenerate it if you change one mod like with MGE. Once they get grass working beyond supporting MGE grass mods, they'll be able to dynamically generate grass so you don't need a dozen patches for landscape editing mods. But the most exciting thing is object paging, which could potentially merge cities into one big mesh like Fallout 4 does so you don't get 20 FPS in modded Balmora
Congrats. You made yourself look like a fucking idiot in front of everyone. Why are you replying to me again if you have zero arguments? No one is claiming the stupid ass shit you're pretending they are. Fuck off to another thread if you hate this game so much you massive dicksucking faggot.
Linux user here. Windows is easier and this user is memeing.
>open terminal >write sudo apt install open-mw >nothing found >write sudo apt install open-morrowind >write sudo apt install openmorrowind >write sudo apt install omw >write sudo apt install omorrowind >no results >go online to check >finally find out what I need to google to seem haxors instead of compiling it from an online download just like people on windows do >write sudo apt install openmw >downloaded and installed >game crashes >have to google the problem >nothing found >spend days with the OpenMW team to find out the problem >binaries aren't included >have to track down which are the problem and install them And finally, after a week of hard detective work, I can play OpenMW on my shitty open drivers or proprietary ones because of which I'm being bullied by freedom fighters.
Windows is shit because it's inflexible spyware, not because it's harder to use.