This is not okay
This is not okay
Other urls found in this thread:
>non-blonde hair
>e-celeb thread
this cock is for you, babe
>he doesn't like black hair
>wipes grease from forehead
Well hello there
>babe, this cock is your property
Le newgrounds racist art
drop the knife, Jaxxy
> you dropped this
haha get it guys cuz the men characters look ugly and cartoony BUT the women looks sexy and normal hahahahah isn't that quirky and hilarious u guys? HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Is this the girl that made Lyle stab his arm?
>no veronica gf
Chris has to be the luckiest man alive
>racist art
>tfw no chris bf
Why should I even go on.
I don't want to have to put a silver bullet in your heart my love
>no artist gf to illustrate adventures the two of you go on
chris is proof that all you have to be is tall
ugh "smacks lips and furrows brow" Hey babe ghh "breaths in autistically" lookin' good babe
Chris is proof you just need to talk to people, faggot
>newgrounds racist
Umm think again retard
I wonder how much Jeff did his iconic groan when making this.
agreed, e-celebs are not okay
I don't watch best of videos
Except best of Zach, I've watched that 10 times
best of Zach 2 when?
no no, you see, this one is ok because they are "based" and not "cringe", so this cancer fine.
didnt they separate but still hang out?
Naw that was debunked.
t. smells like a literal piece of ham
Try again
I miss dingdong bros
I miss Jeff. I miss sleepycast the most though.
>you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder
>a pair of lips press up against your ear and say
>daddy's little cum princess is back for more, I see
wat do?
Same. Dingdong+Julian were a better default than Lyle+Tomar by a longshot.
>People have been begging Chris to draw porn
>Teases his audience by rarely drawing normal girls, but when he does is immediately bonner fuel
God Damn you Chris.
turn 360 degrees and walk away
Just imagine that during every new episode, you're golden.
I don’t think Chris drew this
Why don't you laugh at anything, DINGDONG