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Video Games
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Video Games #5361
Video Games
Cyberpunk 2077 performance
Is the only critically acclaimed 2020 game everyone on Zig Forums universally likes in your path
Xenoblade thread
Video Juegos girls in this pose
How often do we need to buy gaming PCs now? I bought mine in 2k19 for 1000$ and it's worthless
How was I supposed to know?
Anyone have that chart that shows Japanese video games in relation to their difficulty in both vocabulary and use of...
Post your toons
Familiars.io bread
Le epic wacky outfit for my super serious game and protagonist!
ITT: games better than their source material
Post your V!
Fuck you I liked it
>AAA game >made in last 5 years >actually fun
FFVI is a mediocre game, any other FF or the massive amounts of JRPG's out there are better...
I miss this motherfucker like you wouldn't believe
Cyberpunk 2077 is now the FIRST GAME to have a disclaimer on a review aggregator website
Pretty much the best RPG ever made, right?
Resident Evil Village
ITT: signs someone has lost an argument. I’ll start
I am not a pro footballer, so I play a game about pro football
It's weird how The Witcher 3 is almost 99% white people
The real reason why journos love TLOU2 is because it's the only recent AAA game that they were able to beat
Sonic is a franchise notorious for it's huge cast of supporting cast
A chink gacha Mobile game is way more fun, has way more content and it's more stable than the AAA CDPR game
Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?
One Winged Angel
"O-of course it w-works like that on a 7-YO h-hardware. Am I right boys? Boys?!"
Why is she so popular?
Wow this game is pretty good. In prison of hope now and it's kinda spooky. Does the remake retain that?
Cyberpunk is just appalling, hopefully this will kill hype manufacturing for games once and for all
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Games are all about diversity these days
No limit breaks
Should I purchase factorio?
*mogs literally every single Nu-Vegas questline in your path*
HITMAN III intro out
Cyberpunk 2077 and its ABYSMAL e-celeb voice acting
It's time to take the 3DS pill
This is bernkastel
DMC thread - Storm/Vergil Edition
Is Death Stranding a pro-choice or pro-life game?
Is this the most disastrous launch in gaming history?
Cyberpunk 2077 was shit
Webm thread
Abby design is unrealistic, women cant grow musc-
Holy fuck this game will never get topped
Sony is refunding
Choose Corpo path because I wanted to be a cool sneaky cunt that could otherwise talk myself out of sticky situations
What is your favorite location in Breath of the Wild?
What went wrong? It can't just be crunch
What are some good games I can download on Switch for when my town's third world-tier power grid gets knocked offline...
Post vidya fashion targets you've set for yourself
When's the last time you bought a hard, physical copy of a game?
Kino horror is back on the menu
How the fuck do they do it bros? Say what you want about their level design...
Why do console wars even exist anymore?
So who was the best girl?
There is no rain weather in Cyberflop, only screen filter
Gatekeeping as game design is a must...
Zig Forums says game is shit
I really want to play Cyberpunk 2077
Post yfw you didn't fall for Cyberscam
Why are gaming critics so utterly fucking worthless...
Why do androids need giant asses and tits to fight machine lifeforms? Why cant they look unisex? i.e...
How the FUCK do we fix N64 emulation?
Indie Direct
Combat is shit
Why are there no educational games?
Is Elon /ourguy/?
Wait, what? Wouldn't this cause massive inconsistences?
Why aren't you playing Cyberpunk right now, Zig Forums?
Cyberpunk 2077 HATE thread
It's okay when japan does it
You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? Perfect video game...
Cyberpunk runs fine on base PS4
So do lifepaths completely change the face of a playthrough and add tons of replay value...
RTX is a meme
Are you ready to unlock the newest and best Amy?
Why have I seen no excitement for this? It’s a hub based rpg in the vein of VtMB...
Final boss isn't actually the final boss
Let's have a talk about Ghost of Tsushima
Nia's clothes fit really incredible
I'm crying
Tell me /v what do you think about Cyberpunk. Please have no mercy. You can say whatever you want...
This is absolutely embarrassing
As much as I don't care for Steve, he's inarguably more popular than Min Min...
I did not buy cyberpunk
Evil Dead: The Game
What rare featuress make you buy a game?
Bayonetta 3, on the Switch
People spent actual real money on him
It's Another RDR 2
Which one is best for the first playthrough?
Was James a good man?
Warhammer 40K: Kinotide
Fallout 4 > Cyberpunk 2077
Just memorize all the enemy placements bro
Forced update for single-player game
Why is this game so fucking hard holy shit
Redpill me on Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, is it a good game?
10/10 masterpiece. Best in the series. Absolute kino
Do you watch let's plays?
ITT: IRL Endgame items
Do you think he fires his agent after this?
Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of Cyberpunk 2077?
Underrated masterpieces
Is the switch worth buying?
ITT: Games that actually lived up to their hypes
Cyberpunk devs leave CDPR
What the fuck I was only halfway through the Cyberpunk let's play
Why is combat in Dragon Quest so boring? Every enemy feels identical...
Nothing happens: the game
Uhm transisters? discord is down :/
Filename thread
How do you feel about the best 3rd stage boss in Touhou, Alice Margatroid?
You fix that firewall yet?
Cyberpunk 2077 is a bad ga-
Can't fuck Judy if you're a straight male
He listens to video game OSTs while pacing around his room and imagining himself in the scenarios they originate from
GTA V had 3D models on cars with passengers over a mile away
V, a vehicle of mine has gone dark near your position
After the holidays, we’ll continue
What does "janky" even mean?
Did you get tricked into being gay?
What kind of fucking sorcery did Valve put into the Rubikon Engine? How can it run so smoothly?
OK I spent $3,000 on a gaming pc now what am I supposed to play? I didn't think this far
You are CDPR
Regarding DotA's downfall
I FUCKING HATE forced autosaving. Why has this become so damn common...
Guys, someone entered to my room and said "looks like raiden's room" and i asked "raiden? from mortal kombat?" "no...
Greentext your latest gaming adventures
You look like a cut of fuckable meat, are you?
I kinda became mentally ill from Zig Forums and picked up drinking in 2020...
Nice. They locked me out of an entire area because I made the wrong choice in the end
Anyone else just keeps the radio off in the car? The music is SO fucking bad
Why are you not playing Overwatch?
Apologize to Fallout 4
This was the last hope for video games
Is it kino?
Did you ascend the tower or follow Gods word?
Dat feel when you realize this
Dear Gamers
Do you prefer western aesthetics or japan aesthetics?
As an Italian, I feel vindicated
Let's have a Bugsnax thread, Zig Forumsros
Today in Economics class I asked my teacher why the value of money couldn't change
This can be you in cyberpunk 2077
I'm thinking of having the Cyberpunk experience but I wanna skip overpricing and overbugging...
WoW Arena PvP
Look what i found in the attic bros, im rich
What is Zig Forums's opinion on Dark Elves?
Str or dex?
I love her bros
You laugh you lose: Cyberpunk Edition
Post your'e refunds
Why did they hire someone known for their wooden monotone acting to be a voice actor in their game...
How do you go from this
This is the future of gaming
Been a long time since I played a quest this good in a game lads. One of the best quest in the game so far...
People playing this on XBOne and PS4
Just fucked the gay prostitute in Cyberpunk 2077
Games for this feel?
Why are AGDQ donations so dull and autistic can't donators realize this?
Now that rockstar has once again confirmed it's place as elder god tier open world developer
Why are PCfags so insufferable?
The fuck?
Can't go to the gun range and just shoot
Genshin Impact
This is bomberman now
Whats written on Pneumas suit?
Game was considered as a masterpiece at release but now it's so outdated it's barely playable
Want to replay game
CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077 appear to have a transphobia problem
Sorry i doubted you, Zelda
What attracts third worlders to gta 5 so much?
This is my most powerful Persona
Are gamers the most retarded audience known to man?
Deus Ex
PC players are more critical than console zombies
Good evening Zig Forums
Mods deleted a Granblue Versus thread with lots of discussion going on
2020 Roguelites
Villain is trying to become immortal
Resident Evil
People are ACTUALLY comparing GTA 5 to Cyberpunk 2077...
It still hurts bros
Why was gen 7 Nintendo so... edgy?
I cleaned up Zig Forums : )
Should I get pic related? I played and liked Graces f and Xillia 1...
Elden ring is a medivial fantasy setting with huge open fields like Zelda
I love her bros
Is there a single fucking reviewer that shit all over cyberpunk?
Why is Minecraft speedrunning so widespread compared to other games that have speedruns...
It's over
I'm still trying to figure out what CDPR did for 8 years
It's no masterpiece
V, a vehicle of mine went dark by your position
Can I get away with cheesing bosses?
Screen shotas 2077
EA just bought Codemasters
This is how CDPR decided to end their AAA game in the year 2020
Cyberbros, what clothing have you been wearing?
Which one Zig Forums?
What is the lowest graphics games you can enjoy? For me GTA V is the minimum, and only barely acceptable...
Free lobes: pc, ps4
Hey guys you hear about how Melee's scene is being snuffed out by Nintendo...
Strongest party member leaves the party
I don't get the backlash...
They made another funny yellow image
He plays as a stealth bowman
The damage control is about to start
What does Zig Forums think of tomboyish characters in vidya?
Now that CDPR has shit the bed, are there any upcoming non-isometric RPGs to look forward to?
How much of this is true?
What a cute family
Stickied Hahaman
Miku Monday
This is Kirby's Guardian, say something nice to her!
Favourite steamers on Twitch? Who do you follow Zig Forums?
Genshin Impact
Have you ever played video games with a girl, Zig Forums ?
Daily reminder that it's the pirates who ruined game graphics
Who here was filtered?
This is what Skylofters turned into in the Twilight Princess timeline
What do people actually do at gaming cons?
What is Zig Forums's opinion on Nightelves?
Excited for the cayo heist shazamers?
What kind of game did you want Cyberpunk to be?
I dont get why the reviews are so high for this game
Question for you gun enthusiasts out there, which game has the best shooting system?
What is Zig Forums's opinion on Blood Elves?
"....people will have no choice but to rise and fall by their own merits."
This is a joke right? YOU CAN'T PUT WEAPONS IN THE SLOTS?
Be honest
12 years in development
Wait a minute
Sister is addicted to animal crossing
Can it be fixed? From what I’ve seen, most of the issues are due to the shit AI and missing quality of life features...
QUEST 2 has sold 3 million units
Hey Judy you look great in that scuba gear-
Cyberpunk webms
Would you drink Konata's gamermilk?
MH rise gameplay dropped
Was there a set of trailers more hype inducing than MGS5's?
RE8 / Resident Evil 8 leaks
*saves h-games*
How did the company behind Cyberpunk make this masterpiece?
Are there any vidya protags who can rival joker in being a pathetic faggot only incel losers can relate to?
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
Do you have a gaming crew?
Cloud is for
Okay Zig Forums how do they fix it?
This has 178 Million views
Am I the only one who's disappointed?
Why is Heros always forgotten?
Settings: medium
Why did the official Nobeta account tweet this?
Is there a more soulful character in Smash than Terry?
Person makes cool mod
Civil war?
Dark Souls 2
Won a Streamy
Why he kill himself?
Why dont more games feature Lich's?
Game has physics based combat
So it takes place after ME3?
Yet Another Fucking Cyberpunk 2077 Thread
Post a video game without posting it. I'll start with an obvious one
Why won't he stop?
Im going to play through the entire series since 3, 4, 5 and 6 got announced for xbox gamepass...
What is the pinnacle example of a game with a lone developer?
Why are people boycotting this game?
Game is nothing like in the trailer
"this game cured my depression"
Listen here you fucking Janny NIGGERS...
Multiple employee complaints about work conditions and "company culture"
Everyone talks about The Witcher 3, but why didn't you guys tell me the first one was the true masterpiece?
Why play games when you can experience real life?
Huniepop 2
Why didn't you faggots tell me this game was so good? I already spent $30 in two weeks because im so addicted to it
New clothes, new car
What's his fucking problem
Clearly GOTY for almost anyone that played it
Any more charts like this?
Name me one story driven game with actual choices
Most satifsying high power sniper rifle i've ever seen in vidya
Zig Forums plays cyberpunk
It's going to be shit isn't it?
Are these all the yandere girls that vidya has to offer?
Nyahaha, hey Lois look. I’m in a shitty game
How do trans people get mad at this game when the game panders to them? look at this faggot shit
Zombies among the most overused enemies in all of vidya
Can someone explain what Dr Breen's justification for the Combine stopping humans from reproducing?
Granblue versus
Batman Arkham City Thread
Heh, Pizzas have bugs on top of it in Cyberpunk 2077
Whats a good PC racing simulator where crashing is actually done realistically?
ITT: Good games that ruined gaming
Who else feels bad for Yong Yea?
Honest CP2077 opinion
Vidya MC's with any form of mental health disorder
My Mom found the overwatch porn folder
Are You Serious?!
Did you have/had dreams to be a streamer/pro player once?
Imagine being such a shitty game that you made look GTA V like a well developed game
Cyberpunk 2077
ITT: Times like you acted like the Joker in vidya
Fallout NV's 10 year anniversary
Cloud Strife on a wheelchair
I chose Ann for her personality
So now that the Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance are completely disbanded, what's next for the future of Yakuza?
Lmao Watch Dogs Legion came out???? I seriously had no clue
ITT post games that look better than Cyberpunk
Should there be laws against cheating in multiplayer games?
Is she most beautiful woman in all of video games?
If your post ends in 77 you have to buy Cyberpunk 2077
Now that Cyberflop 2077 is out there, can we all admire how much of a good game GTA V was?
Name a more soulless redesign
Dlc campaign is better than the normal one
"brb vape break"
Finally got my hands on a 3080, what game should I play to test it's might out?
*needs massive tinkering b4 playing any game*
Have you ever been able to play as your favorite girl in a video game? Not counting mods of course
What is the most you’ve spent on a video game?
Theres nothing scary about "unsettling horror", the only thing that truly scares me are jump scares
Literally the best enemy in the whole game
*improves your gaming experience*
What's the most money you've spent on a video game?
FamilyMart sandwiches
What do you think about the practice of leaving out good and quick additions to the game from launch and making them...
What went through his mind at this moment?
When are we gonna get a new Mario kart?
Be one of the best 3D platformers ever
Why is Zig Forums okay with some "movie games" but not others?
Yooooo she really fucking died? Is this a joke?
Get on your knees
What's the best fighting game on PC? I don't like seasonal content, microtransactions, or in-game ads
Why did she do it?
Anyone else like Lev?
Why does every game these days have so much combat?
What the fuck?
Zig Forums now likes cyberpunk
Zig Forums plays Cyberpunk
How did they fuck up so bad?
Why aren't you playing the superior MMO, Final Fantasy XIV?
Remember when halo was good?
What was the real GOTY 2020?
What are they thinking right now?
Post some games known for having a great story. By that, I mean, on par with movies or books
Will your main be able to beat him?
Do you play videogames with your little kid?
Based or cringe?
Is the Switch nearing the end of its life already?
How can someone that genuinely loves videogames allow his awards show to be taken over by Mega corporations and their...
Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Speculation
Why is this game most hated by people who.. haven't actually played it?
Literally just change two lines in a csv file
Real Geno fans will be happy with this
This is on the first page of the Cyberpunk steam discussions
14 December 2020
Runescape is the best MMO ever made
Party Van
Bro the game has keanu reeves in it that fucking sick!
This dude walks up and slaps your main's ass, what do they do?
Buy $500 console
Genshin Impact
Walkman of the 21st century is 16 years old today
ITT: vidya red flags
Genshin Impact
Female player joins the server
Can someone explain what these pegs are on every bench in Night City?
The Sonic series has too many characters...
How has the last month impacted your view on the games industry?
Why does Zig Forums want government funded videogames...
Why videogames and politics got mixed up?
Lillie or Marnie?
What game has the best aesthetics?
I miss him so much already bros
Zig Forums forms a colony in a medieval fantasy game world
People hating on cyberpunk are all either console fags or gta v fags who thought it would be a gta game
Draw something and trade it with a stranger
What are some things that make you go
Shadow of War
Persona 5
When did you start noticing games like this were taking over?
At what point are you too old for vidya?
Post games where you can play as cute fairies
This guy walks up to your gf and offers to find her lost wallet. What do you do?
I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit. Reminds me a lot of Prey and Dishonored...
What the FUCK was his problem, bro?
PC gaming really is a fucking meme. I mean even used low tier cards like this are averaging fucking 250+...
Game has impossible to understand rules
What are the best games for meeting girls online nowadays?
*makes redditors seethe*
How did he get so popular?
Only cybernetic augmentations the player can get that change your appearance are three flesh tone arms and cosmetic...
Smash Zig Forumseekend
Why are people here so right wing when so much of the stuff they complain about is capitalism?
I have honestly never seen such levels of cope and delusion from a fan base before
Would you game in The Box?
Mario Party
Who was in the wrong here? Also any accidents while playing Vidya?
With Galeem dead, who will kill Dharkon?
How did they fuck this up so badly?
Halo thread
This is not okay
What's the "wearing shoes inside the house and to bed" of vidya?
1 > 2 > X
Worst Sequel ever
Finish it
This is objectively the most disappointing year in the history of video gaming
Will it be kino Zig Forums?
Change a number in a text file
What does Zig Forums think of it?
Will it be worth getting in a year when they inevitably re-release it with patches and additional content or is the...
Game comes out a bit early with some bugs then gets patched a few weeks later
This shit any good? It's $5 right now
Didn't get killed by Microsoft
Cyberpunk 2077
Mass Effect Thread
Why is johnny so low poly ?
What horror games are you playing Zig Forums?
Hahah what does the sign say Zig Forums? We are too young to breed, I mean read
His most anticipated game is a hentai rpg
Why aren’t you playing the official video game version of one of the most important books of all time, Zig Forums?
Whats yout level in Cyberpunk 2077 bros?
Cyberpunk 2077
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine