Why are PCfags so insufferable?

Why are PCfags so insufferable?

Attached: Cyberpunk.jpg (640x598, 66.99K)

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Because console babies can’t handle the bants?

>Software doesn't work on good hardware
Bad software.
>Software doesn't work on bad hardware
Bad hardware.

Because of threads like this. Seeing you seethe makes it worth.

>Software doesn't work on bad hardware
But most AAA games work fine on the old hardware outside of games that launch broken on all platforms.

Yet older games look and run better than CP2077

Consoles hold back GAMING

>>Software doesn't work on good hardware
>works 30fps medium 1080p on a 1060
>bad hardware guise

>y-you're just mad!
Nice try PCfags. Enjoy going back to port begging again soon.


Exclusives are becoming a thing of the past though

>Game has high demands
>Consoles don't meet demands
>Game runs fine on shitty console hardware
>Barely runs on better hardware because it's a shitty half-assed port

RDR2 looks better than cybershit and runs well on consoles

Attached: 1605375628342.jpg (889x500, 96.37K)

This is peak cope.
>game is unoptimised across all hardware

Attached: devolution.png (800x378, 54.14K)

>Yet older games look and run better than CP2077
Name one game that looks better than CP 2077 on Ultra (FPS, Open world and 3rd person Driving)

I'm a console user, what's the difference between the "software" and "hardware"?

And it runs better on PC. Even unoptimized games are better on PC.

>30 fps low settings
>runs well


Why do PCs make the typical Zig Forums poster seethe?

Because they can't afford them.

>4 year old mid tier graphics card gets mediocre results on a new game

>peak cope
>The PlayStation Studios branding won't be ready in time for the launch of The Last of Us: Part II or Ghosts of Tsushima, which are both due to arrive this summer. It will also miss the launch of Horizon: Zero Dawn on PC, although Lempel says that any future games it releases on other platforms will also carry the branding.
>on other platforms

>muh 30 FPS
For some reason PC fags act like 30 FPS is a Blighttown from DS1 on PS3

But it's not a shitty PC port, it's just a shitty game itself.

software are soft tech things like the manual, the ram, and the ssd,
and hardware are hard tech things like the plastic and the mother of the board

>it's okay for the whole game to be slightly better than Blighttown

>blatantly untrue thing

fuck off, that's only for the non-pro/non-xbonex versions: youtube.com/watch?v=QqNdX2NIdVo

>"And to maybe put a few minds at ease, releasing one first-party AAA title to PC doesn't necessarily mean that every game now will come to PC," he said.

"In my mind, Horizon Zero Dawn was just a great fit in this particular instance. We don't have plans for day and date [PC releases], and we remain 100 per cent committed to dedicated hardware."

When you're a console pleb you're blind to the false economy, resulting in unrelenting seething and cope through no fault of the individual.

At best these games will take years to come to PC. Also this

And from that same report
>"We will explore expanding our first-party titles to the PC platform, in order to promote further growth in our profitability," Sony said in its report.

And the majority of pcfags with literal garbage rigs don't? pc exclusives all look like early-7th gen games.

Name five technologically cutting edge PC exclusives from the past decade.

And console exclusives only look pretty through bullshots.

its still buggy as fuck on the best PC wtf are you talking about

Attached: 1592991827782.jpg (890x839, 78.47K)

>4 years old
Yes, your point?


I hate to bring up TLOU2 to prove something but name me ONE pc exclusive released in the past 7 years that looks better than it. You can't.

Lmfao, i play on PC and this is 100% on the money.

Ghost of Tsushima looks great.

And Infamous: Second Son looks good

Console probably couldn't handle a large Total War Warhammer 2 battle without imploding lmao

>bro just ignore the bugs

Funny thing is shitty ports still work better on a mid range PC than consoles.
PC users jut have higher standards than 30 fps and dynamic 1080p (that often dips below).

Attached: 1468689687177.jpg (667x800, 57.85K)

Imagine being a poorfag lmao.
Cyberpunk is fucking GOAT game, sucks that your solitaire tier PC or Console can't run it, maybe next time get a job

I have no interest in pc gaming. It's only my normalfag little bro that wants one to play with his Discord friends in f2p trash. That's the modern pcfag.

i'd be insufferable too if i have to spend hours updating the game + drivers + launchers

As if people post reaction images ironically

>can only name one
Also there are plenty of strategy games on the console.