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So do most AAA trash

It's GOAT enough said.

Until all the returns rolled in. CDPR is dead.

Sales =/= Quality
Mcdonalds sells millions of burgers a day but it dont mean its good. Just means lots of people have shit taste

Another step in vtard going insane as they try to rationalize that the game flopped and no one liked it and everyone that says they do is lying to them but you see it achktually sucks because the SJWs made it bad and CDPR will never recover etc etc.
I pity you lot.


>food analogy
every fucking time. Can americans stop thinking about food for one godamn second?

Extreme cope

Not him, but then just use Imagine Dragons and Maroon 5, piee of shit pop grabage that sold a fucking lot.

if I were to guess I'd say they almost broke even from preorders alone
this game had massive hype


90% of music heard is trash nigger and spic music there you happy now?

A much better way of making user's point. Imagine Dragons sucks ass, especially Radioactive. Such a waste of a cool word.

Poltards seething.

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It made a profit before it even released, because retards love paying for getting marketed to.

Gaining a dollar over red is profit user, do you even understand what are you gloating about?

Zig Forums is so fucking obsessed with hating this game its really starting to piss me off

Ironic that they're the main character.

Do you think it's a good game?

kek project harder m8

What the fuck up, Shitposter. We've got a board to burn

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And now nobody is going to buy it because of negative word of mouth

Calling this pile of glitches/shitshow ai/techinal garbage a game

I don't even really like it that much I'm just pissed that its taken over the board

the game was always going to be a financial success
im sure their next game will be too

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>recoups its entire budget in a day
>all sales from here on out are profit
That's worth bragging about lMO

I know I was excpecting it to be i just don't find it insultingly bad

But at what cost of quality?

I bought it but my brother is playing it now. He likes it. I’ll play it in a couple of months. I’m glad it’s succeeding because if Zig Forums doesnt like something it means it’s really good.

>made a profit
Something about this phrase just doesn't sound right. Especially for a game that was eight years in the making. Usually a product is a success, they boast the units sold or shipped. Why aren't they doing that here?

The whole
>Kel food analogy
Is a fucking meme anyway. It's the occam's razor of analogy, simple and easy to understand. If you use a complex analogy for the sake of it you're just being a pretentious cunt

Because saying "it sold 14 million units" or whatever is less impactful than "it recovered all the dev costs already".


I don't care much about the dick flinging about new games,nor do I care about what people say or think about yes but this is peek consoomer shit. The only reason this should be posted is because you have stock in cd project red but anyone who plays here does have stock in them. Eww

I can't decide between this and BOTW having a bigger impact on completely BTFOing Zig Forums
We'll see four years from now if Cyberpunk still gets threads made about it bitching about something

cos it was 8 years in the making and it cost a shitload to make

Hours of videos and reviews aren't "negative word of mouth" user
Zig Forums gets monothematic but even i can recognize that this game embodies everything bad with the industry right now and deserves a good spank.
mmmmmm, no
that we know of, they spent 450M buck in 7 years (might be more with credits and freebies the got from the government) and if they didn't lie with their 8M preorders, they just got around that money from day one.
now, i really hope that you understand that a profit for someone that makes an investment is at least 100% or their money, an in 7 years it should be a lot more.
So roughly CDPR would need to sell ANOTHER 8 M copies to get double the money (100% gain) to give back to investors, and even then it might be low for them because this shit was supposed to be groundbreaking.
in short i hope you understand why this isn't your home school mathematics and profit doesn't mean that you just got a few dollars over your investment, you are supposed to get a certain amount for the risk and time spent waiting for that return.
anyway now you know why the stocks plummeted on release day.

let sink in

Who cares?

a friend of mine bought it and is enjoying it
I'll be pirating it, but you should really step out of your bubble. It's making you ignorant.

Because these days AAA can sell millions upon millions and still be a financial failure.

Now would be a great time to buy CDPR stocks mate, they are cheap.

*because they didn't pay any of their employees overtime

people will ultimately always forget how games were at launch. Witcher 3 was a fucking dumpster fire at launch too, yet it ended up receiving a fuck ton of rewards and praise. NMS devs straight up lied about features that never existed at launch but somehow they got away with it cause there's now an army of tards who would shill for NMS for free. the only people who will remember this godawful launch will be the Zig Forumstards who types up their daily 2077 shitpost thread and the users who have the misfortune of reading it

">food analogy" response memes are just a way to kneejerk discard good arguments cause they fail some bullshit litmus test.
People don't want actual conversations or even arguments, they want ways to dismiss points and ridicule others for fast dopamine hits from false, but fast, senses of superiority.

Game's garbage by the way, as is this thread.

After 8 years of development you and everyone else SHOULD be insulted. Game could have been damn near perfect

They pretty much tricked people into buying it by hyping it up to be more than it ended up being