Cyberpunk runs fine on base PS4

Cyberpunk runs fine on base PS4.

Not amazing, but fine. You zoomers are so spoiled and entitled, N64 games ran at 20fps with dips.

Attached: Asukka13.jpg (360x270, 39.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Cyberpunk defenders are also Evangelion babies
It all makes sense.

>cyberpunk fags are evangelioniggers

You are making us look bad, OP.

Attached: asuka fed up.png (511x511, 113.57K)

>N64 games ran at 20fps with dips
Yes, this is why N64 was a failure and only had like 300 games in total

note: The Playstation 1 had 1500+ games in its library

> posting shitangelion
top kek, you probably also think that asuka can be considered as a waifu

Shut the fuck up moot.

I agree, 20fps is perfectly fine.
What isn't fine is the dogshit gameplay, constant bugs and awful attempt at RPG elements.

>hardware that came out 20 years earlier performs comparably to current hardware
is that supposed to be a defense?

Asuka fag

>Cyberpunk shill
>Is a Evafag
Now everything is clear

and most of those games were terrible shovelware

>N64 games ran at 20fps with dips.
it's 2020 you retarded boomer
they put CPUs inside consoles that do trillion calculations/nanosecond, there's no excuse for dips


Attached: Asuka_Bestgirl.jpg (2880x1800, 627.11K)


You will not derail this already shit thread

Why do you all hate Evangelion?

The irony is that a good chunk of n64 games not only run better but look better than Cyberpunk


asuka is one of the worst waifud you could choosr

I don't hate it. I'm completely ambivalent toward it. It's just a bad, overly pretentious cartoon.

n64 didn't have bugs out the fucking ass and that was before patches

OP is so fucked up.

i like Rei

Attached: 1566342177638.png (1280x1246, 616.1K)

30yo boomer wizard here I can barely handle this game at 3440x1440p 30fps dlss trying out rt maxxed
That said your coping and the console launch of this game puts others to shame
And to think this turd got delayed how many times (last time was for ps4 and xbsx spesifically) and it still looks like absolute shit no next gen port even

>I'm complerely ambivalent to it but also I think its bad and pretentious and gay

no. it crashes every 5 minutes.

>cybershills are also asukafags
Really gets the noggin joggin

It's also an incredibly massive and successful franchise, so it has to be doing something right. Just because I think it's bad doesn't mean it is bad. I'd recommend stepping outside and getting a fresh breath of air. It sounds like it might help you, friend.

me too

Attached: 50865970_p0.jpg (910x1065, 428.72K)

I didn't expect anyone on this board to have that sort of humility.

Consoles allowing patches was a disaster.

>30yo boomer wizard here I can barely handle this game at 3440x1440p 30fps dlss trying out rt maxxed
You're mentally ill

My 2080ti wants to die
3090 literally 3x the price and is 30 %faster if at all in rt
Nvidia and cdpr where a mistake

>obvious bait thread

I’ve played the game for 8 hours straight on PS4 Pro. Not a single crash.

When F-Zero X dropped and ran at 60 it blew my dick off.

Looks like fuckin 2 decades later this is finally standard.