The 31st can't come soon enough

The 31st can't come soon enough

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nothing will happen

shut up

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im sorry but you know in your heart that what i said is true

im surprised so many people like this mono chromatic game where you retrace your steps over and over.

Well you're a huge faggot so im surprised you haven't killed yourself

GitGud or go back to your 0 risk of failure interactive movies pretending to be games.

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Sounds like ur life

>GitGud or go back to your 0 risk of failure interactive movies pretending to be games.
weird you put ninja blacked there then

Assuming the magazine is news, what if its just an npc reveal :^)

I will burn Australia to the ground

They're being extra wary on announcing a release date,
because 1, godmaster dlc was delayed and that sucked for them, and 2, cyberkek.

>3x3 with two unreleased games in it
Why do you do this to yourself?

the past is hollow, the future is where hope lies

i hope there actually is something coming, there's been a drought of decent indies since COTM2, other than this I can only think of cyber shadow

Australia doesn't need the help

i still think hades was allright, but i've liked all supergiant games

2021 will happen

>2021 will happen
>he doesn't know about the meteor

>2021 will happen
>he doesn't know about the meteor
>he doesn't know about the tsunamis and typhoons

31st of december 2025

Tell me about Grimm. Why did he smoke the cigarettes?

because he knows he's gonna die anyway so what the hell

>31st of december 2520

I see you also study the blade user-san

Hopefully they fix the jump for the sequel. Slow as fuck getting off the ground, no inertia at all, release the button and your character drops like a rock. It's one of the worst jumping mechanics I've ever seen and platformer is my favorite genre. In their efforts to create a more precise style of jump they actually created the most imprecise one I've ever seen as it has no consistency at all and forces the player to be holding down the button for unnaturally long periods of time in order to get full height. This was my main difficulty barrier in the game, just remembering how stiff the jump is and adapting to it.

And before the insecure squad comes on and bitches about le get good bro: 112% and all pantheons done, as well as every charm and every enemy catalogued. 9/10 game with a simple big flaw.

Didn't one of the devs say that they wouldn't use a media outlet like a magazine to reveal info?

If you don't like the lack of momentum then just say so, you don't have to pretend it's not precise. It is, moreso than just about anything else. Completely consistent as well.

I sure do

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>moreso than just about anything else

This is just incorrect. Precision is about consistency; a jump that varies in height every single time it's pressed is by definition imprecise. If the nail length was defined by the amount of time the button is held as well this would also suck, but hey, it's entirely consistent and predefined because that works. It's almost like platformers figured this out literal decades ago. Asking players to remember to hold the jump button for specific amounts of time at every single hard fight that has a million other things going on and thus buttons to press is not hard, just an annoyance.

But I can tell by your reply that you're a Cherry drone so this is my only answer to you. May they pay you someday, my friend.

You have a point you're trying to make but you're just fucking about with language to make it sound stronger rather than just making your fucking point. It is precise and gives the player complete control over the character's movement. I'm sorry if you can't "remember" to use that control, but that's not what precision defines.

Why do people think Leth is a dev?
He's just a PR guy, (who's admittedly doing a piss poor job lately community wise)
No one pays attention to poor ol' Jack.