Returning to baseline after methamphetamine

used methamphetamine heavily for a year, how long until I go back to baseline?

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ZMA, nofap, and LISS cardio daily

dunno, i use to abuse my adderall but im guessing thats not as good of a comparison as i treat it as

hey man, adderall is similar to meth, how long you take to return to baseline?

What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.

What does "return to baseline" mean?

I felt before methamphetamine ,

i dont remember really but i do remember not enjoying literally anything at one point in my life, if enjoyment is what you mean by baseline. if so, maybe a couple months, lifting and extra sleep kept me sane

Thank you so much, how long are you sober from amphetamine?
I’m at that point you where

meth is such a shit drug, literally fries your brain permanently