Post yfw THOR pulls 510+ in competition


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They're both cringe as shit.

Honestly, nobody cares about those two fat fucks lifting heavy weights, only some of the shitty powerlifting neckbeards that lurk around here do

Absolutely based. Thor and Eddie are both annoying right now. Also, Thor skipped out on 520 and that was a bitch move. He just said he was going to do it to generate hype.

>Thor skipped out on 520 and that was a bitch move
Thor is cool but kinda retarded. Eddie is a fat british cunt
but Thor definitely bitched out on 520 after talking mad shit about hitting that
I think it was less about hype and possibly more about him feeling how heavy 501 was and realizing he couldn't pull 520
I think he couldve hit 505 maybe 510 but he'd have to have skipped directly to that and not hit 501 first

t. first year lifter possibly aesthethics mongoloid weakfag
Lmao seethe

Why is it the the guy on the left looks like he doesn't lock out hips/knees on the 500kg lift?

post abs fat fuck incel freak, bro split master race

>OH MY GOD, HE DID IT, HE LIFTED 501!!1!11! MY HERO!11!!!!1!

Attached: 1585750464015.png (454x520, 19.09K)

because he doesn't

Why would thor do 520 right now? All of Eddie's bitches are saying the 501 didn't count anyways. Might as well wait till it can be "official" and Eddie's fans can eat shit and die.