Why get fit when you can be an intellectual?

Why get fit when you can be an intellectual?

Attached: Kantbot.jpg (900x1200, 321.08K)

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Can I get a physiognomy rundown on Kantbot? Is he a jolly cherubim or an amalgamation of self-deceptive irony?

Attached: kant.jpg (1777x999, 202.27K)

Ted's main exposure to 'intellectuals' was purely in an academic setting, in which context he's completely right. Kantbot is reclaiming the historic role of thinking man as divorced from a rigid academic environment, where it can be free.

why not both?

I'd prefer both

I already am an intellectual, I have never been fit.

>not working ALL muscles including your brain

Thinking you can't do both is utter cope. I personally know more PhDs who are exceptional athletes than fatties who are academically gifted. Actually, I don't think that a single fat student that I've come across in my studies was even slightly above average.

Intellectuals don't get pussy