Why is "lifting for girls" such a bad thing. Zig Forums...

Why is "lifting for girls" such a bad thing. Zig Forums? Why does it matter what someone's motivation to improving their life is? Isn't all that really matters that they're getting fit?

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You can only lift to fuck girls not for girls

The same reason why "going to college for your parents" or "playing sports for your dad" isn't great because you're doing it to make someone else happy. I don't think it's a problem to start that way though. Plenty of people wouldn't have picked up a sport unless their dad pushed them and then they discover they love (American) football. It's only unhealthy if you never graduate to lifting (living) for yourself.

Attached: american football.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

>isn't great because you're doing it to make someone else happy
That just seems like a chronic cope from someone who is lonely.

it's not. if we're being honest i'd say most of us started lifting to be more attractive to women.

nothing wrong with that. it's human nature. don't know why some guys are so ashamed to admit that they like women and want women to like them back.

This just seems like a chronic cope from someone who isn't living for themselves. Ever hear the phrase "build it and they will come"? Yeah, they were talking about MUSCLES, bro.

Still sounds like a fucking cope. What, you get into a relationship and only think about yourself? People do things for other people, there's nothing wrong with it. The only people who "lift for themselves" are fat autismo powerlifters who care about risking exploding one of their joints just to impress others with numbers on a Mongolian fly fishing forum.

you're lifting for sensual pleasure
I'm not judging. just telling it how it is

I don't like women and I don't want them to like me back. I want to fuck them from behind with my muscular body and whisper in their ear how much of a whore they are while pulling on their hair as hard as I can. The irony of it all is that they'll like me more the more I treat them like dirt so I can never win. I don't like women and don't want them to like me back.

The main problem with "lifting for girls" is that it is ephemeral - once you gain attention, at best you stagnate, at worst you leave behind lifting all together. Lifting for yourself, however, allows for a constant source of motivation, you need only will to be consistent and disciplined.
Its not like you only have one source of motivation at a time, but primarily lifting for yourself will enable you to become more well-rounded; this doesn't just have an effect on you, but on others as well.