Never improve, always be a victim

I've noticed a sudden campaign against having any type of training in combat styles and martial arts, specially for self defense purposes.

why do people think like this?
why do they think that an armed opponent is on Dr. Manhattan levels of omnipotence and you can't anything to defend yourself?

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Knife defense is bs though.

They're right thought. Krabby magoo is bullshit.

There are two losers in a knife fight, the guy that dies on scene and the guy who dies in the ambulance.
The best knife defense is the 100 yard dash.

Its been a thing for awhile.
As an MAfag, its fun for what it is. And I'm better at a fight than your average person. But I'm still just a dude, and barehanded against a weapon? lol fuck that.

Krav Maga especially has a reputation of being the try hard wannabe edge lord "muh realistic fightan" martial art. I remember getting dragged along to a class with my friend at the time and they were going over gun disarming and actively telling the students that if they saw someone with a gun they should try to do this technique because "its better to try and help than sit by watching"

of course, this technique requires the person with the gun to stand there 2 inches from you and let you grab their gun out of their hand without firing a single shot.

They did the same with knife techniques, not realizing i can just... move my hand and stab them in the neck while they're trying this bullshit.

Never take on a weapon bare handed unless you absolutely have to, even if you succeed there's a good chance you'll get fucked up in the process.

in a karate class, the instructor told us he would now demonstrate the best technique for defending yourself against knife attacks. He then ran out the building.

because you cant defend yourself against a knife unless you have a gun retard

krav maga gets a reputation for being this badass form of fighting but its basically the most jew fighting form

Dang, this guy must be some old cop or EMT or something. He's got old sayings for knife fight deaths. You find all kinds here.

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Knife defense is a real thing. Changing angles, attempting to control or disable joints, blinding, running, etc.
But it is about on the level of trying not to be shot in open country with no cover or concealment once discovered.
Once someone pulls a knife on you, you are on desperate ground.
No one except actual psychos want to be in a knife fight.