I need your help here Zig Forums, I got in an argument here with my gym buddy, he thinks metal is more heavy than rubber weights. My argument is follows: rubber plate weights of 50 KG vs metal plate 50 KG, I think rubber is more heavy 1. rubber is black and 2. the rubber is bending this is why more heavy
Give me more examples why rubber is more heavy, thanks
rubber is heavier than steel because rubber comes from trees and those trees are really old and heavy
Austin Morgan
No retard, steel is heavier. One time my cock cage slipped off and it sank to the bottom of the toilet, but condoms float.
Jeremiah Lewis
Did the bull make you fish it out?
Hunter Mitchell
What is a bull?
Joseph Murphy
Everyone knows diamonds are the heaviest metal
Matthew Morris
ruber bounce because too heavier for ground to take impact, meanwhile metal not bounce because not as heavy. gravity laws allow for bounce of heavier object to keep weight of earth even
Luis Campbell
The real heaviest metal are the friends we made along the way
Juan Robinson
metal is heavier than rubber in the same amount, but 1 kilo is 1 kilo no matter the material.
Jack Martin
Since lockdown im squatting in my basement, using metal plate, and mentally it feel more heavy than rubber
Colton Roberts
>ruber bounce because too heavier for ground to take impact, meanwhile metal not bounce because not as heavy. gravity laws allow for bounce of heavier object to keep weight of earth even
Metal is heavier, as it has the higher density, resulting less volume for the same mass. This in turn results in less buoyancy (due to lower volumes of surrounding medium being displaced), meaning that you need to exert more force to lift it. However, this has virtually no effect, as buoyancy is negligible in air due to the massive difference in density. Would be different if you were to lift under water though.
Jaxson Butler
He wasn't talking about weight (mass) though, but about which was heavier (greater downwards force).
Liam Reyes
If rubber flexes/wobbles it could be heavier than metal weights, it might help with twitch muscles
Brandon Ortiz
RUBBER will be harder to lift than metal because rubber is flexible! If the rubber weights wobble around they take kinetic energy. That means lifting rubber weights will feel heavier and requires more strength.
Ryan Rodriguez
May mehhhn
Michael Myers
Why does this thread exist
Asher Perez
50lbs of lead is heavier than 50lbs of feathers so you're right, OP.
Gabriel Thomas
rubber = black = absorbs all light + rubber = wobbles = rubber more heavy
Austin Walker
Metal cast plates are calibrated like shit. Your "45"lb plates could really be 43.5 or 46.
Oliver Robinson
calibrated steel discs are a real kick in the dick if you're used to regular iron or training bumpers
Liam Ortiz
Most relevant this meme will ever be.
John Clark
Samuel Barnes
Metal plates feel heavier. Rubberized plates feel like toys. A bar full of metal weights doesn't look fun to throw around. It looks serious business.
So I would say the psychological weight of metal plates is higher.
Bentley Jackson
Sebastian Myers
>psychological weight that's why girls use pink dumbbells, the pink color makes it look less heavy