Are muscles just compensating for something?

are muscles just compensating for something?

Attached: fit.webm (640x800, 2.81M)

you don't need to fight everyone just because you became strong

I like how he forced someone to record this because he was terrified someone would punch him and he needed evidence.

>NONE of them overreact or start something for no reason
I'd say all of them are confident enough to brush off the scrawny faggot and move on, don't see how that's compensating.

yeah compensating for previous lack of mass

this, honestly they're probably more chill about it than scrawny guys would be.
most dudes I know would immediately freak out at the dude to show off how manly and badass they are.

this will never not be funny. fake tough guys

Attached: manlet power.webm (1280x720, 2.71M)

How would that help him? He's committing assault. If any one of the lifters punched him, any competent judge would side with the lifter.

probably claim that he's clearly too weak to hurt them and that they used unjustified force to defend themselves.

kinda like how if a 12 year old kid started punch your chest you're not justified in bashing his face in.