Stress-fracture recovery

fuck heel-strikes and fuck the fucking shoe industry that created cushioned running shoes. It’s because of those things that I now have a stress-fracture after running yesterday.

Please, fit advise me on how to recover from this. I’m taking aspirin, vitamin d, and I’m icing. I ordered TB-500 capsules and may be able to get BPC-157. I need this to go away before i go into officer school.

Attached: B8D798F4-B775-4D66-9260-151068A86BCF.jpg (1080x1350, 605.62K)

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Actually, it's your fault for running unnecessarily. Only stupid people run unnecessarily.

Ha! You have no stamina you bitch. You’d be panting on the ground like a bitch if someone put a beating on you

Enjoy your stress fracture.

God she’s so soft.
Could stand to be a little softer though.

Attached: image.jpg (1200x707, 329.12K)

I want to hug her body and never let go

>fuck heel-strikes
If you run without learning about proper running form you're just a retard OP.
Don't be a jew a go see a doctor. You'll never enter officer's school if this ends up being worse than you thought and don't do shit about it or make it worse by following a random schmuck's advices on a Cambodian basket weaving forum

dunno about stress fractures but whenever i get tendon injuries i increase blood flow to the bodypart (it werks)
so a combo of arginine and garlic to ramp up nitric oxide

Fucking checked and brosnanpilled.
That photos fairly old though (I think) so maybe she’s put on a few).

Architectural, Based, and Checked

I know that I’m a retard for not running properly. I’ve just been reluctant to transition to landing on the ball of my foot because it’s like learning to run all over again. Ironically, yesterday was the first day that i began the transition.

I don’t want to go to the doctor because I know exactly what they will tell me. I’ve experienced the same almost a year ago. they will advise me to stop running. But if i want a rapid recovery i have to resort to something unconventional. I remember Bas Rutten mentioning BPC-157 and i advised my friend to use it months back. He began injecting it into his knee and it worked like a charm. I’m expecting the capsules to work more systematically and get into the bone. This isn’t pseudo-science. TB-500 and BPC-157 have plenty of empirical evidence and technical reasoning for me to use it.

Imagine being this retarded

you'll be aight
shin splints are micro fractures and they heal in week

You can't solve a problem caused by retardation with more retardation dog, how about ice and rest instead of research chemicals


Attached: architect.jpg (401x398, 23.96K)

Who is that

It’s worth a try.

she has a nude imgur album
but i have no link

You can't view NSFW on imgur anymore without an account, and you need to give your fucking number to make one.

TB500 is not orally efficient, need to pin it

Enjoy your stress fracture, retard.

Just gimme a name


I understand that but it would be more effective for the bone to ingest it. Using a syringe only helps for muscle and ligament recovery

Here you horny fucks

Based user.

god damn the one where she is in the dance studio and she has the ass profile selfy. fuckkkkk i'm cooooominnng

Every inch of her body screams BBC

Chang's razor

Fucking hell, literally put on earth to be dragged kicking and screaming in to the BLACK new world order via mandatory pregnancy.

Stop masturbating. Your semen is to inseminate women of high rank and only them. If you’ve ever done nofap and then fucked a woman you’ll find that its one of the most exalting moments in your life. And you develop a connection with that woman like no other.