Do gem posters still rule over Zig Forums?

Do gem posters still rule over Zig Forums?

Attached: 5EBA68ACD5104022ABD3AFB8A9524F8C.jpg (601x353, 65.52K)

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Based E;r poster

Attention whoring and avatar fagging != ruling over

Season 2 never.
Phos btfo

Can't really be bothered gem posting these days, plus it's pretty gay.

>someone has fapped to this rock

Attached: 220px-Phosphophyllite-21358.jpg (220x313, 16.08K)

they all killed themselves

alex did nothing wring

umm sweaty that anime girl is anphropomorphised diamond not phosphophylite

Attached: TheDynasty_Diamond_04.jpg (1500x1500, 465.53K)

>It's a Phos episode

Attached: uisP_Fnf_400x400.jpg (400x400, 26.23K)