> tfw small dick
It’s really over isn’t it? It doesn’t matter how jacked I get when a girl sees my tiny little dick. I’m done coping. I’m just giving up on women and gonna LDAR.
> tfw small dick
It’s really over isn’t it? It doesn’t matter how jacked I get when a girl sees my tiny little dick. I’m done coping. I’m just giving up on women and gonna LDAR.
Bro I was fapping the other day and I was like "where the fuck did my weener go?" It was like half as long as it used to be.
I just got fat af I guess
Jusy so you know I'm only 5.5 dicklet but my petite asian gf can't take it all, she always winces and doesn't really enjoy penis in vagina action due to pain, but luckily she has a strap on so we can still enjoy penatrative intercourse
I wouldn't worry about it to much. Don't mistake porn for reality.
Unless you have a literal microdick it doesn't matter m8. Between women haven't shit spatial reasoning and pretty much all guys lying, chicks have no idea what 6" looks like
if she already at the stage where ur pee pee is out she's not going to turn you down, just go for it
I’m only 6.5 bone pressed. Now you might think that’s ok, but you must realize most women these days have been with dozens of guys, so they are guaranteed to have encountered a 8x6 monster dick.
Women can only truly love the guy who gives her the best fuck of her life. If you don’t have a 8x6 inch cock a girl will never really love you.
too much* damn it
If it bothers you enough put yourself in a position lifestyle wise where you can attract a multitude of females and reject the ones with small titties
No woman is gonna not fuck you if y'all are making out and she's getting wet.
I have a small dick and I've never got any shit for it. I'm also a former bloat lord - now DYEL