Lifts for this feel?
Lifts for this feel?
stopped reading right there.
pump wife x until baby, raise baby to be a better man than you.
This was written by a self-hating man/tranny.
I throw my dung at you for fun.
>Women are on top of childcare ... Household work, cooking etc
>Men are not raised properly as boys
>They should blame their parents
Which consist of the same type of women raising them, ya dumb cunt.
>tfw I am directionless because I have autistic fantasies that are impossible to reach in this universe
I'm gonna go with bicep curl, because you can perform it while chuckling
4th paragraph describes the guys she has been dating, she got what she deserved
>More women are seeing men as optional
>corona comes
>oh how I wish I had a boyfriend. It's so lonely staying inside all day.
>I wish I had a boyfriend to go out so I don't have to
I feel like both genders are literally the exact same right now, the majority are lazy unambitious people with nothing to live for. The only difference between the "successful" men and "successful" women is that most men who achieved something actually tried. The majority of successful women just suck dick and be attractive. YASSS QUEEN SLAY GET THE BAG
I unironically agree with her. Most men I meet 90 IQ unambitious plebeians with no drive or cultural capital that spend their time playing video games. I always see more women in libraries and gyms than men.
Great anecdote, faggot. Sure you aren't part of the 90 iq pool yourself?
I actually generally agree with this. A supermajority of men are pretty lazy and small minded. Her delivery is condescending (which will inevitably upset most everyone here), but it is generally accurate.
The entire thing is nearly a word-for-word rendition of one of those le ebin r/redpill subreddits, but with swapped gender. I honestly am not sure if they are aware of how their posts read like satire. Or perhaps they read those and got so massively upset that they made their own shitty subreddit to try and reclaim power over men.
The reality is, no healthy individual is going to go on one of those sites. It's for completely insane people who want to romance a group of people who they hate, as if you were a racist who hated black people but also were really in love with them.
imagine reading anything a woman has ever written ever in the history of the world.
OP’s image is actually correct, though it’s worth noting that this regeneration of young men is vastly disproportionately raised by single mothers or men who don’t adhere to conventional masculinity. The toxic masculinity that OP’s image would probably complain about will raise the type of men she’s yearning to meet.
there are countless articles about how women are doing better in universities and men dropping out of society and becoming NEETs, go find them yourself, doublefaggot.
Critical hit! How will brainlet respond? Find out next time on-
Enjoy being childless at 70 because Johhny boy from down the street didn't wash his teeth once lmao, feels good to be a mediterranean where these bitches are universally laughed at
Nah they still whine MUH WYMIN NOT ENUFF IN STEM.
If you force 50% or more wymin through draconian policies you get your over 50% women lel.
>women outnumber men in the workforce
Thanks affrimative action, we couldn't have done it without you
Also 60% of jobs in my country are not in contract, ie don't appear on the state statistics
She's not wrong. Once you give a woman an education, IUD, and an office job with agency she will outperform most men.
The education system is currently failing young men and most teachers are complicit in it because it's easier to do nothing or keep doing what you were taught to do.
Men need to be reminded that they need to work harder and take better care of themselves because most of them are lazy and entitled.
It's true. The state of modern women is bad. Modern men are worse.
Most women I've ever known break down into tears at anything beyond a minor speedbump in life.
everything she said is basically correct
Nothing it’s really impossible, user, I believe in you
>G-go find them yourself
>I didn't make a claim I need to substantiate
I know that last word will be tough for you, it means "prove"
And here's a big brain idea, perhaps men are dropping out of society because it's the smart thing to do. I mean, it's totally radical to spend 10 hours working, go home to no family, no home cooked meal, and the news being nothing but a shit show.
Sitting around all day, jacking off and getting high 24/7 on endorphins is totally the worse option of the two.
>Women are doing better in college
You mean current year college? Where it's no longer about advancing knowledge on your own accord and just "sit down shut up" v2?
College lost all meaning when you were forced to take a humanities/social course. God forbid you don't know the pronoun game when you want to learn about electrical engineering.
Is this an inverted incel?
>Office job
Is that the bar for doing well in society?
I hope the cornholio virus kills us all then.
>Hive integration
Jesus Christ, did you just copy paste the rule of society from Brave New World?
My problem with it is that it addresses the problems that the things men's movements complain about then says that men's movements are about endorsing that instead of about trying to solve the problem, and additionally glazes over all the real problems with modern women. Pretty much all the failures of men it points out are true, but my problem isn't that it points these out, my problem is the complete lack of introspection or even concern for men.
Saying that men "Can't differentiate between social media and real life" is ridiculous when every investigation and professional in the social sciences will tell you that it's women who experience huge damages to their emotional health from social media addiction. Not to mention that women also consume extreme porn and have wildly damaged psychological conceptions of sex from it. Men certainly lose a desire to learn or grow, but women like the one in the OP (if it's not a trans like someone said) have covered up a similar failure by "growing" into HAES and feminism, which are movements almost exclusively about closing the mind to growth or intellectual debate and discussion. There's also no sense of nuance to this. It's not like born-in-the-faith Mormons in Utah (as much as I hate Mormonism) are suffering from excessive porn consumption, so there's a more complex issue underlying what's being discussed than just these broad generalizations.
Also, despite claiming that women are "empathetic", the writer dismisses things that are overwhelmingly strong indicators of depression or emotional collapse as "moral faults". If one of your friends suddenly stops doing anything except hedonistic self-indulgence, stops taking care of themselves, has no hobbies, seems increasingly filthy, and lashes out at people around them, would you say that they were "Struggling with being human" or that they had a serious emotional disorder and needed to see a professional?
It's a post dedicated to eliciting responses, usually responses of anger.
Round these here parts, we calls ems, bait.
No, it’s not you bigot. Can’t you see she is a beautiful queen, she is right, men and masculinity are worthless, YEEAAAH YOU GO GIRL.
This added with rampant escapism, men being told they are the problem and the high risk associated with socializing with women and porn being shoved down our throats since when we are young since everything is so hyper sexualized. As well women are coddled more than ever push them to success regardless of their aptitude pushing both groups out of their respective roles because women don’t like to be with men that make less than them. It’s all pretty fucked but the best thing to be done is to make strong sons and Good daughters, be a living example of all the good qualities of a man, since great men rise to opposition, they don’t buckle under pressure.
Fair enough, women are better at being sheep and following set directions.
A man needs a concrete goal to work towards and responsibilites. One of the most telling statistics is the comparison between married and single men - a married man has generally way higher productivity.
It's not that only productive men get married too, but that men that do get married suddenly get a big boost.
How can a man motivate themelves to do anything when nothing seems like worth working for? Women are trash, the rat race is unappealing and easy entertainment is widely available.
Fuck. I feel this.
What do you expect man? It's Female dating strategy, of course they're going to put themselves on the pedestal. It's one of the most vainity-ridden subreddits there are.
Additionally, this is a slide thread and you should all feel ashamed that you're replying to it.
Anyone that posts a social media screencap or a basedjak as the OP thread image should be bannedo n sight.
I was going to say this. Whoever wrote this says that women are in higher precentage in the work force and are like 97% of the educators for kids yet sees no correlation of the 97% women educators not helping the boys as opposed to the girls.
kek based Roman poster
Zig Forums isn't that good since the Rona so I enjoy the bait threads more.
Go read Moby Dick
A lot of transexuals, onions boys and fags in this thread
I would say the best lift for this feel is the deadlift. You’ll quickly be reminded that you are stronger mentally and physically and can gloss over this as being the ravings of a femcel.
A life of being told your masculinity is a threat to women while on the same page they say men need to “man up” is so overtly ironic that I initially thought this was an elaborate troll.
It's not I just wanted to be specific. In general, men and women have inherently different learning styles and optimal ways of communicating. Educators have to get better at identifying learning styles and help tailor the curriculum for that person, regardless of sex. We as a society also need to be more understanding of what pressures and addictions young men face, and how we can better balance their needs and wants.
Women are doing better because it's the cool thing do to. We should want them to do better, but in general not at the cost of letting young men suffer.
If you're a boy in todays world you suffer through a school system best serving those who know how to conform to authority and then go home to play FIFA where you are conditioned to gamble.
Women aren't hardworking or resilient lmao what a load of cope. But she makes a good point when saying this world is way too full of entitled manchildren with no direction or ambition. That is very true. Nothing to do with men as a gender but rather with the way the modern world and it's Jewish influenced culture has turned out.
You show a man living 500 years ago the things modern men bitch about and he would not believe it