when are you going for yours, Zig Forums
Gynecomastia Surgery
is there a chance it will go away? im still 18 and it started being less and less bloated the past half year
Probably not if you're in your late teens, get a consultation with a doctor early
Do the nips get smaller after surgery?
Does it have to do with the size of the gland behind the nipple? His nips are noticeably smaller in the pic. I either have slight gyno or pseudogyno, cutting atm to find out. But I do have quite large peppironi nips that Id prefer were smaller.
Fat is not the same as breast tissue, you should only get surgery if you're a sub 10% BF twink but have massive mantits.
Never, because I wasn't a fat low-test teenager.
i had mine years ago
>Do the nips get smaller after surgery?
they don't but it seems like they are smaller because nothing is pushing them out. I guess that inflammed breast tissue is somehow making your nips soft. Ever since i got my surgery my nips are tight/hard most of the time as opposed to being soft
Daily reminder the only people who will notice your gyno if it's like op's pic and not all out bitch tits are aspies like you and me
how much would this cost if you're level 1 in canada?
I started doing an hour of cardio 3-4 times a week and my gyno went away. Had it since early teens.
Anyone else have this happen?
At that point I don't think it was literal "gyno" bro prob just fat w/ some unfortunate distribution. I had the same thing, worried about my gyno for years like a little bitch and started lifting/running/dieting, next thing you know my tits dissapeared. Some guys have hormonal issues, some are just overweight.
I already got gyno surgery and it was the best decision of my life
did the nurses make fun of you
ur still a virgin
>paying money, time and pain for this
Pretty sure that was just fat bro. Gyno is like having bulbous womens tits AFTER losing weight.
You sure it's not just fat? Most "gyno" cases are actually just fat.
>is there a chance it will go away?
t. surgical nurse that works a lot in plastics
I had gyno surgery at 16, because it was ruining my confidence. Prior to surgery, I never went anywhere without a jacket or sweatshirt. Also, to be clear, I wasn't fat I just had really bad gyno. I'm 25 now and am really happy that I had surgery. Definitely worth it and gave me a lot it confidence/comfort.
should I get gyno surgery?
nuke it with aromasin and raloxifene, and failing that letrozole
surgery is only for extreme cases
this is the dream of every woman as she looks up
>surgery is only for extreme cases
Holy SHIT imagine waking up and then seeing that naked thing thrusting on top of you back and forth.
Yust went, got botched
A lot of times man boobs are just the result of being fat or skinnyfat. If you're making gains EXCEPT in the nipple area, then you may have gyno.
You need some damn bag clips for that.
Gyno is hot desu(me)
we can't even tell what's going on in this image, post a normal fucking image
I think most of Zig Forums doesn't know what gyno is.